Well as I said this has got me to my destination of over 60 models, other routes are available depending on which way you prefer to get to your destination .
Bit of flat bar at the bottom in this case looks like 1.5″ x 1/4″. Tapped M6 for the nut and screw. Modified Unimat3 Clamp plate with thinned and notched end. A piece of 20 x 5 flat bar or whatever you have will do with a slot and hole at the end tapped for a M6 jacking screw at the far end
In use a bit of scrap is placed under the work (sometimes!) and the work clamped in place. The notch allows you to see your marking out and punch mark ( green dot for the photo) and allows room for the drill bit. The scrap at the bottom and the clamp plate effectively “sandwich” the work and the scrap helps stop the drill pulling into the work as it exits.
Hold it in the drill vice to give it a bit of weight and security.
Think it’s about time for a new bottom plate, as you can see it has had some use!