Drilling hole of 0.0310″ with deepth 0.91″ of AISI 304L


Drilling hole of 0.0310″ with deepth 0.91″ of AISI 304L

Home Forums Workshop Techniques Drilling hole of 0.0310″ with deepth 0.91″ of AISI 304L

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  • #79192
      Call me cynical if you will, but why the hell is he asking about drilling a .031 hole when he appears to be capable of creating a .008 hole, or thats the way I read it. Especially as drilling this hole is not exactly rocket science, I somehow doubt that the .008 hole is drilled. I think that it is created by other means. This is a commercial enterprise, if you lack the expertise to do the job or don’t know someone that is capable, then you should not be taking the job on. Laws of ecconomics!
      Thats it grumpy old git over for the day.
        Here’s a link with some general information about drilling stainless steel http://www.bssa.org.uk/topics.php?article=194
        In essence, once you’ve started to drill, you can’t allow any kind of rubbing to occur either through backing off your feed or by allowing chips to build up in the hole because this will cause work hardening, so possibly an air blast or coolant blast setup would help keep things clear of swarf.
        I’d be inclined to try contacting the technical department of one or two of the better drill bit manufacturers for more help.
        Jeff Dayman
          Donald Wittman said “Well said blowlamp, I just hope some hobbyists on here have to ask a professional [in whatever field] for some advice, and then get told in no uncertain terms exactly where to go.”
          If you ask a technical professional for specific technical advice, like the OP did, you will likely receive a quotation or statement of rates for a professional service, or a decline to offer a rate or quote if the job is out of the professional’s scope. This is not being “told where to go”. Professional technical services are paid services to private commercial entities, in essence the professional is paid for the value of his knowledge and experience, and the commercial entity eventually realizes greater profits from using this experience and expertise. Technical professionals do not work for free, and do carry liability for the advice they dispense.
          Deep hole drilling in difficult materials with small dia drills is a specialist field in industry, and expertise in this field is not cheap or plentiful.
          In my opinion the original poster did not represent himself truthfully. He said “I need help.” He did not say ‘My firm needs help” or “I need help for a job at work“.
          The people on this forum are extremely responsive and cooperative to fellow hobbyists. I have seen this repeatedly, and long may it continue. The OP may have seen this also. He may have wished to tap into this spirit of help for commercial gain, or may just have been fishing for technical knowledge. In any case he did not represent himself as acting for a firm.
          I am a member of several online professional machining forums and have not seen any similar enquiries from the OP there, which would be the appropriate place for them. If I had, I would be more likely to believe the OP is not just “looking for something for nothing.”
            I come to this site to help others and broaden my own knowledge – it seems that my education is being curtailed at the gates of ‘drilling deep holes in difficult materials’.
            When was it decided that this is an unsuitable topic for discussion?
            Donald Wittmann
              Get off your soap box will you, The guy asked a question nothing more. I have asked structural engineers things on a couple of occasions and never have I been refused an answer. [and i’ve never been asked for money or given a bill]
              Some on here should look for a job in ” Billy Smarts”
              Les Jones 1
                Hi All,
                I think any question on how to do something is good for the forum as it bring out suggestions that may be useful by others either now or some time in the future.
                The “suggestions please” series of threads started by Gray (Sorry “Former member”) are a good example. I think the loss of these questions and the help given to others by Gray is a great loss to this forum.
                Donald Wittmann
                  Agree, especially about ” former member” certainly knows his stuff. and I could’nt see him making a song and dance about the question/questioner that started this thread.
                    Hi Andrew
                    How do they get away with running at 360,000.
                    That was the speed of the drilling spindles we were making.
                    Thye were working on a 500,000 RPM version when I left the company.
                    regards David
                    This subject also fascinates me, obviously specialist gear is needed and I would presume that at over 100,000 rpm a wee drop of lube would be handy.
                    If the original OP is struggling and only has a bog standard Schaublin I seriously doubt that he’s going to be any threat to national security, lol
                    The subject matter itself though…is fascinating, we’ve certainly come a long way from a pultra thumb slide drill.
                    David Clark 13
                      Hi There
                      Air bearings and water cooled motors.
                      regards David
                        If you read this thread you will notice that nobody has profferd a ‘this is how you do it’ there are a couple of posting’s that give a few opinions as to how it could be achieved. I would venture to suggest that the subject is beyond most of us. Yes we may get away with making an odd one or two, but when it comes to production quantities it is a very different ball game. If we break a drill there is a clang as it hits the scrap box and we start again. You need the expertise and the right equipment to be able to manufacture even in fairly small numbers. There are probably one or two members who do have the knowledge to advise, but if they are unwilling to share that knowledge it is not up to us to criticise. As Jeff Dayman points out there are specialist companies that make a living out of this type of work, if it was easy they would not be in business.
                        Sub Mandrel
                          I thought it was obviously a commercial application from the original post.
                          But it’s a free country, no-one is forcing us to share knowledge and as some have commented if there is an answer, its probably interesting to most of we (as they say in the real Black Country).
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