We may be talking about two different things. High speed micro drilling requires a machine with very precise bearings, and a TIR of less than 0.0001″, and which can control the downfeed to avoid bending the drill (which would cause it, at those speeds, to tie itself in knots) … but not too slow such that it work-hardens the metal. Feeds around 1 micron per revolution, and automatic peck-drilling to remove swarf.
For the majority of us, using a standard drilling or milling machine, with no special bearings and hand feeds, the recommendation (and it came from a maker of micro drills) is that maximum speed should go up to 20k at 1 mm, and reduce below that, slowly at first but quite quickly below 0.5 mm. My drilling is done on a milling machine with a top speed of 2,000 rpm, so I don’t have to worry about it – just use top speed, but if you have a high spped drill it may be worth checking the position.