Reluctant though I am to cross swords (keyboards!) with Andrew Johnston I strongly disagree with his view that the Clarkson Drill grinder accessory is of little utility.
As I do a fair bit of fix-it work my drills are, perhaps, more at risk than his from the 'Orrible Metals Company alloys like "Drill Muncher", "Super Hardinium", and "Inclusion Rich" or similar products from other sources.
My Clarkson attachment is permanently set up and in very regular use.
If there is there is slightest question as to whether a drill is still really sharp it goes on the Clarkson. Takes about 90 seconds from drill box to sharp to chucked up on the machine. Having really sharp drills on tap all the time does make life easier and makes for better work.
I used to use Andrews method of buying new drills when the old ones were blunt. Which wasn't stupid expensive, even at pre millennium prices. But I now know that much of the time the drills, although still sharp and working decently, were not giving optimum performance.
For the home shop person the big problem with the buying strategy is always what happens when you kill a drill on Friday evening and the engineering tooling shops don't open until Monday. Assuming you can get away from work during shop hours! Can't get a 9.3 mm drill from B&Q on Sunday morning. Or maybe a week to mail order, as was back then. Couple of days now from the switched on suppliers now, sometimes better, but still a wait.
I had a Picador for sharpening when buying wasn't going to meet the schedule. Effective but a considerable faff and so slow taking into account time wasted remembering how to do things after 6 or more months since last time.
If its going to be useful a drill sharpener has to be fast, effective and right first time every time. Which basically rules out all of the jigs unless you follow Graham Meek and do a proper re-engineering. Although the cheapy Plasplugs Multisharp thing was, in its original incarnation at least, unreasonably good.
For a Clarkson the technique is put drill in 6 jaw chuck with 1/2" projection and edge level. Bring up to touch the wheel, swing lever up, feed a touch more, start machine waggle the lever until it stops sparking. Swing up, rotate spindle by 180° (really hefty positive stop), repeat waggle and job done. Right every time.
Nothing else remotely home shop suitable comes close in speed and reliability.
My opinion is that anything less is flat out not good enough and won't be used. The better 4 facet set ups can come close tho'.
Baby drills of course are bin and buy, packs of 5 or 10 usually.