Thanks Noel and Derek.
I am also glad there was no serious damage or injuries. Lesson learnt with grinding wheels.
I have since tried the point splitting attachment on a drill bit with limited success. There are probably two main reasons.
1. I don’t 100% understand the French instructions translated to English.
2. The markings on my Brierley chuck was worn away when I got it (red and green painted dots). I stamped ‘G’ and ‘R’ next to the pegs but I can’t be 100% sure all pegs are correctly marked up.
I have a Dormer A002 drill which is a split point drill bit which I used as reference (the gold coloured one).

This was the result of the first try point splitting the black drill.

Clearly the drill was not in the correct orientation/I used the wrong pegs on the chuck.
I tried again and this was the result.

From the side, it looks good.
However, from the tip, it does not.

A zoomed in image.

I clearly done something wrong.
I did try the drill bit (7/16″) and it did cut pretty well in the lathe but I don’t think the point did much at all and probably was not self centering.
I need to figure out what went wrong and get all the settings and setup correct before I can confidently split point drill bits.