Pet moans, A trilogy in 4 parts.
In the beginning we had BS308, widely distributed as the shop floor needed to know what the 'erberts in the drawing office thought they meant.
Then we moved on to these new fancy GT & D standards with symbols not unlike those stupid flashing warning lights wot like you got on the dash of these new vehicles. No one knows what they mean.
On my new Donald it has a light on the dash to tell you one of the other lights has failed? If the technology is that good then why can't they substitute the light on the dash for the blown one ?
Anyway I digress.
With these new standards with hyrogylific signs, things like man having trouble erecting umbrella at the bottom of a circlip groove you can't just look them up, you need a copy of the Standards at about £100 a pop.
Hang on, they want us to use them and understand them but they won't tell us what they are ? Instead we have to shell out ??
Do a search on GT&D and all you get are pages of firms and con men who want to teach you what they are at £400 a day. BS308 was self understandable [ is that a word? well it is now, if you won't clarification it's £250 a day for the translation ] But the new standard is so obtuse it's spawned a cottage industry like the HIPPS legislation that applied to the sale of house.
Oh how I laughed when they abandoned this and a shed load of shysers got shown the door, Oh happy,happy days.
Which leads onto CAD [ Clown Assisted Drawing ] Most of these program's come pre loaded with various options like metric,ANSI, ISO, VD and bar and it's up to the user to set all these options up, things like number of decimal places, but no these wet behind the ears Eric's can't be bothered so we get dimensions running to 15 decimal place with tolerances to suit.
However I'm the last person to ask about tolerances
Don't ask because I'm not telling you.
Many program's like Aught to Cad, Solid Works, Solid Edge even select one of the GT&D hyrogylifics and inserts it with loads of meaningful figures [ meaningful to someone ] which then renders the part to be made impossible.
But now we get to the point where the whole way drawing are produced has changed from the manula to Clown operated and NO ONE has spotted the error.
Because Computers use one of the 127,789 fonts that Microsoft instals by default we see things like this on drawings.
Matl:- Mild Steel BS 1234,5678
If you had written that in the days of film and drawing boards you would not be drawing for a few days because your knuckles would have been red and skinned.
This is what was expected .

All drawing had to be done in lower and upper case capitals.
But no Microsoft in their wisdom push Comic Sans, Arial and New Times Roman and all the budding CAD jockeys follow form.
Why can't they set a CAD package up to follow form and use small caps. ?
The mags all follow the incorrect method and take the easy way out,
John S.