I've just got my first pillar drill it's a used draper GD16/16C, i've spent the afternoon cleaning the rust of the table, base and pole and general clean to remove all the crud.
I opened up the top to inspect the belts and have a go at changing the speeds, when i released the tension of the motor, the motor belt can be removed of the motor pulley, i can't remove the belt of intermediate pulley to the spindle pulley its stuck solid, it looks as if its twisted as it enters the spindle pulley.
Is the intermediate pulley locked in place that it as to be released some how as i can't move it.
Both belts say 23 on them in yellow, is the front spindle belt the wrong size, i've downloaded the manual from drapers site, but it does not give belts sizes.
I tested the drill to see if ran before i got it but won't run it further in case i damage it, there are also belt fibre particles in the belt box aswell, i hope i didn't get a lemom.