I followed up the sound advice and went for the Amazon link ER32 set ca£40. It arrived couple day on sunday evening!
Took me 2 mins to screw on the existing drawbar and the collet chuck was up and snug – just like that
Impressive so far what you get for your money 10 pce metric set. no markings on the chucks
So Auntie Myford is now respectable.
In the meantime I came across a youtube site offering milling m/c instruction – as i had no formal training
I would not normal suggest the usual old blowhard uncle Bubba rubbish that is largely informercial and a waste of time but I found this site extremely good very little product placing but some amazon links definitely useful anyway
So IMHO if you are coming from nowhere ( I never knew how little I knew) then I can recommend this tutorial
I also came to understand how important a proper milling vice is (not the cheapo type used on pillar drills)
Its like having a lathe without a proper chuck
The other point made was that modern end mill design hss and carbide really transformed the role of the vertical mill Probably in my early years why I had so little exposure to them.
I associated them with jig borers and the toolroom ( a rarified room with aircon and only allowed entry to pass holders)
How many of you would be brave enough to tackle an apprentice piece to make a 1" precision cube +/- half thou
I have now trammeled my slide and found it +/- 2 though over 12". Is this something I should worry about. I see members using laser pointers. I dont envisage anything larger than 3" say
Thanx for all that valuable help it has really put me on the right road