Dore-Westbury info?


Dore-Westbury info?

Home Forums Beginners questions Dore-Westbury info?

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    Cornish Jack
      G’day all.
      Following a near disaster (motor fell 8′ off the D-W mill -with no damage!!), I have re-instated and beefed up the mounting but the belt tension has been guessed at. Does anyone have the ‘words and music’ for the (I think) Mk1 version including recommended belt tension setting, please?
      Cornish Jack
          For the Mk 2 version there was no specific belt tension, beyond tightening it till it didn’t slip.
          The 1/4″ round belts are no longer available, but the 7mm transparent round poly belting from Hemingway works well, at the recommended tension for that. There is a cutting length – I forget the detail now, but the belt is so much short for every foot of run. Its on his website.
          Works well for (5 years!)and hasn’t upset the bearings in any way., so I doubt its that critical.
          The other way to find out is to look at typical loads for motors, and see what they recommend.
          Cornish Jack
            Thank you MGJ.
            The drive belt on this one is ‘standard’ V belt – same belt as came with the machine (secondhand) 20+ years ago. Not had a great deal of use, so little worn.The revised motor mounting plate ‘fix’ moved the motor a bit further away, hence the re-adjustment. Sounds like ‘suck it and see’.
            Cornish Jack

              Just had a cracked casting repaired on my D-W and taking the opportunity to fit a set of magnetic DRO scales. The Y axis scale is slightly problematical because the base casting sides are angled where the scales would best fit. Have any owners done the installation and have any recommendations for this , please?



              Brian Wood

                Hello Bill,

                I have fitted Newall scales to both table axes on my D-W Mk II.

                I didn't record any of the details of the installation at the time, but I don't recall any difficulties, it was over 10 years ago now, but I am happy to try and get some pictures to send you.

                I can't for some tedious reason attach stuff like that to correspondence on the Forum any more, there is some compatibility problem I have neither the time nor patience to resolve, but I can send to your email address of course if you think those might be helpful

                Regards Brian

                email address wood_y(at)btinternet(dot)com

                Cornish Jack

                  Many thanks Brian – kind offer, gratefully accepted.

                  I'll email separately.



                  Mike Crossfield

                    Hi Bill

                    I fitted a Machine-DRO system with magnetic scales to my Mk1 D-W a couple or three years ago. On the y-axis l mounted the scale on length of aluminium angle attached to the underside of the carriage, and I mounted the read head on a shop-made adjustable bracket bolted to the base casting. There are a couple of photos in my album which show the x and y scale mountings. If, like me, you want to mount the y axis scale behind the table, you will need to design the mountings very carefully to avoid losing x axis travel. It can be done though!



                    Cornish Jack

                      Brian – you have a PM.



                      Cornish Jack

                        Thank you Mike – I'll have a look at the photos. I had considered something sounding similar but using square ali tube and putting the scale on that and the read head on the cross slide. I take your caveat on the x axis.



                        Cornish Jack

                          Mike – Just had a look at your album photos …. hmmm – obviously a D-W, "but not as we mere mortals know it, Jim"

                          That's 'work of art' territory!! I reckon Edgar and Arnold would be rather impressed !

                          Enough of the tool jealousy – thank you for the photos – they are useful pointers.



                          old mart

                            Have you looked at the lathes UK Dore Westbury section?


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