Having some local knowledge the Car park A, 'opposite the main stand' and number 16 on that graphic that Neil provided the link to is a bit misleading as its actually the concreted area of the fire station field / park and ride car park on the corner of the dual carriageway Leger Way with Town Moor Avenue Road which is over the road (google earth confirms the signage)
While there is a pedestrian exit from the car park near that corner there is no pedestrian crossing point of any type across Leger Way on that corner and certainly no dropped kerbs. The only designated crossing point on the dual carriageway is at the far end of the main grandstand building or a lights controlled crossing built since last year immediately in front of the School for the Deaf.
Park in the designated disabled car park and it's around 250 or 350 metres to the crossing points and back towards the entrance. Still less than having to park in the main car park but it might be a bit of a slog for some.
I would have hoped any disabled parking facility would actually be in the car parking areas immediately behind 12 & 13 on the same side as the main buildings which have the advantage of offering flat level access to the main building without any road crossing being required.