I’m in the process of making a dog clutch for the next iteration of my mill power feed. However, it’s come out wrong and I can’t work out why.
This is the current state of play…
The 3d printed item on the right is (more or less) what it should look like. The metal is the wrong’un.
You will see that it doesn’t fit together. According to the design, the lands should be about 6.85 mm at the circumference and the gaps should be 7.05. giving about 0.2mm for breathing room.
Instead they are roughly the opposite way round.
The diagram below indicates how this was meant to work
To make it I took a piece of 40mm bar and put it in 4 jaw vice on a rotary table. The rotary table was zeroed from the table against the spindle (indicator on rotary table) and then the bar was trued up in the 4 jaw against the spindle (indicator on spindle).
There were a few intermediate steps to work up the final cuts, but in essence the table was moved 1.9 mm to the left and a series of 9 x 5mm deep cuts were made with a 4mm carbide cutter each 40 degrees off from the previous one.
This should have resulted in each cut been 0.1mm left of centre as per the drawing. The first cut started at the bottom and went up. The fourth cut started near the top and came down. The full lines are the left of the cut and the dotted the right of each cut. This shows only the two cuts which formed the first land and gap of course.
You will see that the land (at the bottom) should be 6.85mm and the gap at the top 7.05 not the reverse which is what I seem to have.
Both parts of the clutch have the same problem so it’s (probably?) not a set up error.
I can’t work out how I mucked this up, so if anyone has any thoughts I’d be grateful. I’m loathe to cut more metal without knowing what I’ve done wrong!
Many thanks