It’s been quite interesting reading the responses to my OP, and I’m pleased that there are some people who still enjoy their driving. Or riding as the case may be. FWIW, I’ve never had what I would describe as a “flash” or “fancy” car/bike, and no disrespect intended, instead I have always preferred function over “fancy”, in that other than the VW Beetle, all my cars have been vans, estate or hatchback types, and always with what could be described as “bog-standard” engines. For example, the present car is a Toyota Avensis 1.8 petrol estate, estate because of the carrying capacity, 1.8 because that was the only petrol engine available otherwise I would have had a 2 ltr (for towing reasons), petrol because when I bought it in 2013, there were problems with diesels – DMF’s, exhaust problems, and we hadn’t properly started on the anti-diesel effect then. But interestingly, it is the most powerful I’ve ever had (theoretically it should be able to do 125mph) and at the same time it is the most economical petrol car I’ve ever had (38.8mpg since new). Ok, it isn’t exactly the best at the Traffic Light Start, but it’s ok for us.
I’ve had a few motorbikes, but here again, I’ve always gone for the smaller machines, the largest being a 500cc single, or “big thumper” from Yamaha. I’ve never had more than one cylinder either.
I’ve never driven/ridden at what I would describe as excessively fast. Ok, I have exceeded the speed limit on occasion, but on the odd times that I have driven really fast, I quickly discovered that mentally I wasn’t up to it, so whilst the vehicles concerned would have done more, I couldn’t. And so I slowed down.
I quite agree that there some poor/stupid drivers around, but at the same time, I shudder at my memories of some of the daft things I have done, both deliberately and accidently. These days then, I try to learn from my mistakes, and try to drive safely whilst at the same time trying , and not always succeeding, to make allowances for others.
Happy & safe driving/riding to you all.
Peter G. Shaw