By pass oil filters stop particles smaller (probably 5 microns ) than those stopped by the full flow filter, (probably 20 microns ).
The by pass filter is fed through a restrictor, so that it fliters a perecentage of the oil, each time.
As the name suggests, the full flow filter filters all the oil , if it didn't the engine would seize. They were fitted with a by pass valve so that oil is by passed under conditions of excessive pressure drop across the element (Usually of the order of 5 psi )
In this case, running the engine at high reves on a cold start will cause the by pass to open; as it will if the filter element becomes excessively blocked.
(Another good reason for changing the filter element and the oil at at least the recommended intervals, so that when the oil increases in viscosity as sludge forms and circulates within it, and the filter becomes obstructed, the oil is by passed for the minimum time.
Pre war engines did not have oil filters, but had short lives. By pass filters were available as "retro fit" accessories
(Fram were one of the main suppliers ) With higher specific ratings, oil filtration became more important. The 803cc BMC A Series engine used by pass filtration. The 948 and subsequent A Series engines used full flow.
The B series engines in cars like the MG ZA Magnette, and the olther Austin, Wolsey, and Riley clones, were by pass, the ZB and it's sisters went to full flow filtration.
With a combination of better materials, better machining, better oils and better filtration engine life vastly improved
In the 1930s, Midland Red boasted that their engines would last for 20,000 miles, now some manufacturers recommend that as the service interval!
With prpoer servicing, the Perkins Prima was good for at least 300,000 miles.
A 4.236 was good for at least 7,000 hours.
But as emissions regulations tightened, the oil companies had to improve oils very rapidly. Often, before we could complete a 1500 hour reliability test, Shell had introduced at least two upgrades