There will undoubtedly be some differences in quality Eric.
However, there will also be a big difference in the amount of use you are likely to put them to, compared to an industrial user. I have taps and dies that have only been used once for a particular job. I also have some taps and dies (ME mainly) that I only use on brass.
So I would think about how often you are likely to use them and also whether you can standardise on what sizes you normally use.
Metric screwing trackle is cheaper these days than Imperial and the ones I have seem to be fine – and I did not pay a fortune for them.
It also makes a difference to the price whether you buy carbon or HSS – and again in my view this is mainly down to the amount of use you expect to get out of them – although I do prefer HSS – I think carbon ones ‘chip’ more easily – but this may just be the ones I have.
By and large my view is that for Metric taps/dies I use the well known online suppliers and I find these affordable and suitable for my purposes. For my Imperial needs I have used Tracy Tools in the past and they have been OK but I did pay a premium.
I guess that I would not be too upset to throw away a Metric tap and replace it – but hopefully my Imperial stuff will last a lifetime (at least what’s left of mine)