As an Apprentice, all Instructors drummed into us that a clean machine was a safe machine.
So at the end of every session swarf is brushed off the machine and into the swarf tray. Sometimes, also during a busy session as well to prevent having trails of swarf flailing around.
When the tray starts getting full, work stops until that has been cleared.
(Being keen on recycling, the swarf is pounded down into cleaned food tins, When full, the lid is put into place and the edges of the can hammered over. The can then goes into the recycling bin. )
On the floor of my shop is hard plastic matting with stray swarf falls through. Two or three times a year, everything is cleared off the floor and the mats taken up for "The Mucking of Geordie's Byre" This is when as much as possible is swept up and given the canning treatment as well. A good time for finding dropped washers, nuts etc!
Keeping the shop tidy (A place for everything, and everything in its place ) is also a big help in finding tools and equipment, as well as keeping the place tidy.
Although you might not think so if you saw my shop! Mostly, I do know which pile its in, on the heavy duty shelves.