Do not use ApplePay for subscribing to digital content


Do not use ApplePay for subscribing to digital content

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Do not use ApplePay for subscribing to digital content

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  • #38967
    Austin O’Hara

      ApplePay does not generate a subscription number

      Austin O’Hara

        I learnt the hard way that ApplePay does not generate a Subscription Number to allow you to access the Archive. Also, your payment cannot be cancelled and no record of your purchase appears on myTimeMedia database.

        I shall be cancelling my other subscription to Newspapers I subscribe to and instead use the old Bank debit method.


        Neil Wyatt

          I know third party resellers don't offer archive access, so do join via this website!

          I am going to contct the subs department for clarification of the situation.



            Not just Applepay, if you take out a sub from anywhere else even direct with Pocketmags you won't get access to the archive.

            It's a bit like placing a regular order with your local newsagent or WHSmiths would have been with paper issues you are not actually a subscriber.

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