Whilst we are debating how to make the hobby appeal to newcomers, it is important for them to know that they are welcome, and will be helped.
The hobby (And its magazines and suppliers) need to make newcomers welcome if all are to survive!
There has been an example on here where a newcomer, complaining of difficulties, did not know that a lathe tool, needed to be on the centre line if it is to cut properly.
Someone needs to explain simply why a cutting tool needs clearance angles, but not a lecture on exactly which angle is ideal for every material.
It is too easy for the experienced to forget that what, to them, is second nature, often needs to be learned by a newcomer. With my first use of a lathe, I had to learn that the cut put on, removed material from both sides, so that end result was smaller than expected.
Consequently, a newbie will benefit from just cutting metal, before to going on to gain confidence, by having made some simple tool or engine. “Old Hands” should help with demonstration, advice, and opportunity to practice. This is where magazines (And books) are important as a more permanent source of knowledge.
Once, we were all newbies! No doubt, from time time, we still learn.
On this Forum, there have been examples of a newbie asking a question, but through lack of knowledge, using incorrect terminology, and so receiving an answer to a question that they did not ask!
Despite having a lifelong background in engineering, when I first acquired a lathe, I did not expect, one day, to be screwcutting ( As opposed to using Taps and Dies), let alone gear cutting!
To a non engineer, the fact that that a belt and pulley, or gears, can change speed and torque may come as a revelation.
There was a time, when we had to learn that, even if it was with our Meccano set!
Experience is important, so we should pass it on to the less knowledgeable, whether by word of mouth, example, or the written word in magazines and books.
Directing a newbie towards a suitable source of information (One of which is a magazine), can be a great help.