Discussion on the Future Direction of Model Engineer and Workshop


Discussion on the Future Direction of Model Engineer and Workshop

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    Neil Wyatt

      As forum members will soon be aware, the two magazines Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop are to combine as a monthly title: Model Engineer & Workshop.

      I will have the honour and challenge of editing the magazine. In essence, it is a return to Model Engineer of the late 80-mid 1990s, before MEW got into its stride and Model Engineer moved further away from covering tools and techniques.

      The new format will have a considerable number of extra pages. This will allow me about 40% more original feature content – the space to cover a wider range of topics than both of the current formats, and hopefully keep readers of both ME and MEW engaged.

      I will inherit a significant amount of unpublished submissions to ME as well as my stock of articles for MEW. One magazine a month will work through this content a lot slower than three magazines a month, even with extra pages.
      This does mean that all contributors are likely to wait longer to see their work in print in the short to medium term. I ask for your patience with this.

      Some of my thoughts are as follows, although nothing is set in stone, and I’m keen to hear your views:

      I am very aware of the tradition and heritage behind Model Engineer; no-one can take this one without feeling that Percival Marshall is looking over their shoulder. That said, Percival Marshall was focused on the future of the hobby and made sure that his magazine always addressed new developments in model engineering.

      To reflect this, it will be Smoke Rings and Postbag, not Ed’s Bench and Scribe a Line for the editorial and letters in the new title, but I intend to keep On The Wire to reflect wider developments in engineering as well as news about the hobby.

      There are many readers (about a quarter) that subscribe to both titles, a majority of the others are MEW subscribers. This suggests that the broader scope of MEW is popular, so the new magazine must encompass the wide range of topics covered by MEW as well as sustaining the ‘traditional model engineering’ content of ME.

      It would help to know what readers most value about ME and MEW?

      Are there features of either title that you would be happy to see lost, changed or improved?

      At MEW I have tried to avoid long constructional series, while ME has not shied away from these. I do hope the increased page count will allow more of a balance between shorter and longer content, but feedback on what readers prefer is welcome.

      Typical content? Both tend to cover traditional metalworking machines and skills. What do we find in one magazine and not the other?

      ME: Steam locomotives. Stationary Engines. Traction Engines. IC engine. Heritage visits. Club news. Events such as locomotiove efficiency competitions. Theoretical discussion of designing working models (e.g. turbines, valve gear, boilers). Models largely in wood or other traditional materials (from farm carts to trams). Other areas of working models.

      MEW: CNC and CAD. Less usual engineering projects. Practical techniques (e.g. hardness testing). Tool and accessory builds. Projects using module-based electronics. 3D printing. Measurement. More focus on techniques (e.g. sharpening tools). Heritage content tends to focus on older machine tools or ways of doing things. Larger engineering (e.g. welding).

      Areas largely lost from ME and MEW over the years: Ship modelling. Aircraft modelling. Electronics. Optics. Astronomy. Car and motorcycle engines. Jewellery making.

      Could we make more efficient use of space by making some content downloadable – such as plans or extra photographs?

      Can we widen our appeal to a younger audience still focused on using practical technologies to make things? Makers, rocketry, robotics, animatronics…

      Photography – MEW tends toward slightly larger photos and a more modern page style than MEW, which has been more traditional in its layout. What do you prefer?

      Surely readers can come up with many more issues to discuss as well.

      I am more than happy for readers and contributors to ask questions here or to email me about any aspect of the changes. My email is meweditor@mortons.co.uk my email may change, but this one will remain active for a considerable time. You can message me through this website, but email makes it much easier to deal with anything other than simple comments or queries.

      However, these changes have come as I am dealing with personal bereavement, and the holiday season is almost upon us. Please appreciate that I may not be able to respond promptly to every response or message I get. I will read every response and, as with when I stepped into the Editor’s chair at MEW, I will take your feedback to heart and do my best to make sure Model Engineer & Workshop has something for everyone in every issue and pleases most of its readers most of the time.

      Thank you, particularly thank you to everyone who has read MEW over my years as editor, your support has been greatly apprecaited.

      I know how much both of these magazines mean to readers and how important they are to sustaining the future of our wonderful, diverse hobby.

      I will do my best to make sure that the new magazine continues to meet your needs and support model engineering as a hobby.





        Moved from other thread

        On 19 December 2024 at 15:37 SillyOldDuffer Said:

        Interesting to see what happens, though there’s a chance I won’t like it.  Historically, I found:

        Engineering in Miniature completely failed to engage me.  Too loco centric.
        Model Engineering is worth paying for, even though models aren’t my thing, and the focus is retro.  Nonetheless, the techniques used to build stuff like trams often transfer into my workshop.  But I don’t look forward to reading build projects.
        MEW is high value for me – modern with a dash of relevant retro.  Tools, materials, techniques etc.   No models.
        Making the magazines pay must be difficult because the pressure on print journalism is enormous.  All the big high street newsagents round here have gone, so surviving magazines have to be delivered by post.  Youngsters are online, so tough luck grandad!  In that context I can’t get excited about a few typos – not when the barbarians might be at the gates!  Morton’s financials for the mags will show which of the two is performing best, and therefore which way future content should go – reinforce success.

        Easier said than done.  Wonder if Morton’s read forum posts?   Might get the impression we’re a miserable bunch of yesterday’s men, enjoying a good moan, and not keen on spending money.   Unfair of course: I have a more positive view of members, though not everyone understands the hobby has to adapt.  It’s shifted well away from LBSC and the glorious hey-day 1950s.

        Hope whatever is decided means I still get what I want, but nothing would surprise me.



          Moved from Other thread

          On 19 December 2024 at 15:29 Russell Eberhardt Said:
          On 19 December 2024 at 13:54 Neil Wyatt Said:
          An official announcement on the future of ME and MEW will be made soon.

          Neil Wyatt
          Well I hope it is soon.  Mortons have already sent me two emails to say that I should renew my subscription to MEW now as it expires soon.  It has just over three months to run! Is that their definition of soon?


          Sorry just seen your official anouncement.  I’ll not be renewing just yet then!


            I have known of this for a couple of days and will add my thoughts later.

            In the mean time it would be useful if any respondants could say if they subscribe to one or both titles, if they have let their subscription slip or if they just use the forum and don’t subscribe.

            Russell Eberhardt

              Congratulations Neil.  It is a great opportunity for you but at the same time it must be rather daunting thinking of all the extra work.  Sorry about your bereavement.  I sympathise having lost my wife this year.

              Good luck


              Graham Meek

                Sorry Neil to hear about your loss and congratulations on your new post.

                I have not taken ME since the 1990’s. My subscription to MEW runs out now. I will not be renewing as I have decided to move on from the Model Engineering sphere. Other than my occasional input on this forum with my current workshop projects, (which are about to come to an end), I cannot see my new interest to be of interest to the majority of MEW forum members.

                I do however wonder if the comment above “use the forum and don’t subscribe”, is the way the Forum is heading in the future, ie subscription only access.



                Martin Kyte

                  I think the stark reality is that without the magazine there is no forum.

                  regards Martin

                  Ian Hewson

                    I am one of those who use the forum and don’t subscribe, I used to , but the proliferation of cnc, cad and printer articles don’t float my boat.

                    I only buy now if I see anything that interests me, but that’s getting harder to find.



                      I’ve looked at ME from the days I was at college to buying the odd one and flicking through most in WHSmiths and have subscribed to ME since about 2000, had access to MEW for most of the many years I have moderated here.

                      I’ve made some of my thoughts known in Martin’s thread as well as several others over the year sso will just comment mostly  on some of Neil’s Points.

                      – Firstly I would suggest that the existing subscribers to the two mags are the ones that should be asked. So when the notice goes out about the changes to subscriptions at the very least a link to this thread asking them to comment should be included. Better still a questionnaire they can fill in and send back. This would give a better picture as many subscribers and contributors don’t use the forum.

                      – I’m not too worried about what the editorial and letters pages are called but would like to see the content of On The Wire at least relate to the hobby engineer. All too easy to just copy and paste a press realease to fill in a page that is more industry news than what the person in a shed really wants to know.

                      – The mention of lost subjects such as model aircraft, ships, etc. These are now catered for with their own specific magazines that never existed in the past so by trying to cover too much the focus may be lost and unlikely to attract new subscribers as they are already trying to justify the cost of the subs to another mag that has a lot more relevent content to them in it. But happy to see parts being made to replace or improve those of say an RC car or heli, just not a build log of a wooden ship.

                      – Couple of things on layout. ME has a very wasteful layout with the first page of each article having the left hand column taken up with none of the actual article or very little else. No subscriber wants to pay for blank spaces and with a limited editorial budget that pays by the page the editors should be trying to get as much content onto each page as possible.

                      Padding out pages with either excessively large drawings or small ones with a massive blank space around them. Take a look at 4750 page 52 and 54 as an exampe of both. One part is drawn so large it takes up over half a page, the other small enough to be the width of one column but bounded by a box that makes it 3 columns wide and therefore takes up another half page

                      I’d like to see arreturn to advers grouped at the front or back not randomly throughout the mag

                      – Space, as one who has always put additional photos into a thread rather than pad out an article I’m all for having some article content on the forum. Whether authors will submit stuff and probably not get paid for it is another matter. As is who will get paid to put extra stuff on the site if you are only getting paid to produce the mag? Something to consider adding to the author pack

                      larger photos are OK but not just for the sake of making them big where the subject can clearly be seen on one half the size or having several almost identical shots when one well considered photo would (see web content for those on the cutting room floor)

                      – Long articles are going to be a problem, bad enough a loco or traction engine build taking maybe 2 yrs in ME now it could take 4 with only a small percentage of readers interested in it and even less that are likely to build it. Any build no matter what length or article would need to run in consecutive mags as once every 2months is just stretching things out too far.

                      On a similar note some of the long running topics may need to be dropped or limited to a couple a year. Things like Engineers day out, The Stationary Steam Engine, Butter side up, even club news.


                      Although I’m a bit biase the last couple of years has seen ME content predominantly Loco based with a slight move to more stationary steam over the last couple of months. I’d like to see less loco and more stationary steam, IC, Hot air and generally a more varied subject matter on the Model Engineer Side. MEW is a reasonable mix. I don’t know if this large loco content is part of what has seen subscriptions fall but Dave’s survey and any comments from subscribers should be taken into account.

                      Not sure of the maths but a 40% increase in feature content of a monthly mag may sound good but will still be considerably less content than the two lost mags so overall a large loss. So what content there is needs to be the right content, preferably new and not old archive material.

                      Likewise if I’m paying for the magazine I want to read original content. I don’t like to see the mag containing little more than copy and pasting of something an author has already put on a forum where it could be read for free. OK with a few images and a general description on a forum to tempt people to buy the mag and read the details but not just the same whole build. Again something to be asked in the author pack?

                      Well that’s enough for now, may add more later.

                      Howard Lewis

                        Sorry to hear of Neil’s loss.

                        There is almost never a good time, and this comes as he takes on extra responsibilities (Which i am sure he will shoulder with his usual skill)

                        Not being a proper model maker (Insufficient skill or patience) have always been a MEW subscriber, but look forward to see what the new version is like.


                          On Graham Meek Said:


                          I do however wonder if the comment above “use the forum and don’t subscribe”, is the way the Forum is heading in the future, ie subscription only access.



                          Interestingly when website first started along with the forum there was quite a bit of “subscriber only” content now there is nothing.

                          Neil Wyatt

                            I won’t go through Jason’s points one by one as then everyone will expect me to do the same for theirs.

                            But just to stress I will be directing readers of MEW to this thread in issue 348. I must admit, it’s a shame we won’t make it to 350.

                            I’ve had some discussion about a reader survey; anything in the next issue would still be open as the new format goes to press anyway. As it will take months to settle into a new direction, I would prefer to do a survey a few issues in, as this will give people something material to react to.



                            noel shelley

                              My subscription has just been renewed, I await with interest to see what I get. If its monthly will I get 26 issues that I have paid for ? or will there be a price hike and I only get 12? I find it interesting that this should be announced in the week before Christmas – or am I being cynical ? A subscriber since the late 80s and MEW to issue 300 ish. Get rid of Butterside Down NOW, a terrible waste of paper and ink ! I look forward to the final return of ME as it should have been, and the coverage of more subjects. Noel.


                                I think the list of content left out Clocks. Even the Horological Journal is not really aimed at actually building clocks.
                                I am a member of two ME clubs but few take either magazine and I’ve only seen one from each club ever post on here. I think a few others lurk.

                                A forum does not however need a magazine to exist as suggested earlier, cf Model Boat Mayhem which is the primary boat forum but not associated with a publishing house.

                                Robert Atkinson 2

                                  Well I’m active on the forum and a subscriber to MEW. I’ve just renewed my subscription so will also be interested to see what I now receive.


                                  Neil Wyatt
                                    On Bazyle Said:

                                    I think the list of content left out Clocks. Even the Horological Journal is not really aimed at actually building clocks.
                                    I am a member of two ME clubs but few take either magazine and I’ve only seen one from each club ever post on here. I think a few others lurk.

                                    A forum does not however need a magazine to exist as suggested earlier, cf Model Boat Mayhem which is the primary boat forum but not associated with a publishing house.

                                    I had meant to include clocks!

                                    The issue with this forum is, if it wasn’t for the magazines, who would pay for it? And the issue for the publishers who do pay for it, is how do they make it pay its way (e.g. by helping get new subscribers). But that’s a discussion for another day.

                                    Martin Kyte


                                      Mark Rand

                                        Having read ME from the mid ’60s to the 1990 and MEW from issue 1 to now I don’t do model railways (also why I have not joined the excellent Rugby model engineering society). My interests in decreasing order lie in workshop techniques old and new (The more advanced, the better), stationary engines of all ethnicities and road locomotives.

                                        I have no problem with long running construction articles, but not too many. Not too many has the problem of limiting coverage (Do you spend 10 issues on a 5″ gauge Mallet, a MAN U-boat Diesel engine, a 125 ihp Mclaren, or a three cylinder Willans engine?) or do you rely on the readership being flexible enough to cope with whatever the choice of that season/year is?

                                        The club news in ME bored me, but I’m sure that there were some who find it essential. IMLEC was always interesting, even if I don’t do trains…

                                        If it lessens publishing costs, then hybrid (paper plus probably, pay walled web) articles would probably work with today’s demographic.

                                        We’ll all see how it pans out. So long as there’s something, it’ll be better than nothing.


                                          Totally agree with what Noel Shelley has written, I have just renewed my subscription in the last week and now wonder if I have wasted my money, I didn’t renew MEW because nothing in it interests me anymore. Butterside down is in my opinion a total waste of space, same is true of reports of visits to various societies, they all have the same things, a track, a clubhouse and a workshop, see one and you have seen them all. Let’s stop wasting space with half page pictures just to pad articles out and let’s have quality articles.

                                          Charles Lamont

                                            First thought: Good. I have always resented MEW as an aberration that resulted in the serious decline of ME.

                                            I subscribed to ME from 1967 to 1982, and still have the bound volumes. Since then I have occasionally subscribed and otherwise quite often buy up a copy of ME in Smiths and very occasionally MEW.

                                            Given some sustained depth (and breadth) of content I would be pretty likely to start subscribing again.

                                            Question 1: Describe the target readership.


                                            Michael Gilligan
                                              On Charles Lamont Said:

                                              […] Question 1: Describe the target readership.


                                              Those who will spend good money with the advertisers [?]

                                              … likely to be an iterative process, but let’s not kid ourselves.


                                              derek hall 1

                                                Does this represent the decline of model engineering?

                                                I only mention this as we used to have 3 magazines, EIM, ME and MEW, and now there will be one…

                                                I used to subscribe to ME, but let it lapse 20 odd years ago, got bored with the content especially countless build descriptions of choo choo trains comprising years of how to make them articles.

                                                There have always been build articles, but at least there was some variety. A recent copy of ME I got from Smith’s had 5 articles about choo choo trains, so not much appears to have changed.

                                                “Butter side down” is dreadful, currently part 18! It’s on a par with the awful never ending series “letter to a grandson” or whatever it was called that ran for year after interminable year.

                                                MEW content was of more interest to me but I feel the content has become less of interest to me. I let my subscription lapse about 5 years ago, when I realise that there was only one article in 4 issues that I fancied making.

                                                I know that any magazine needs to survive on both advertisements and articles being sent in for publication, so hopefully the combination of ME and MEW will have more variety, more of interest to newcomers and the casual reader and please less locomotive stuff, and less club news.

                                                Nick Wheeler
                                                  On derek hall 1 Said:

                                                  Does this represent the decline of model engineering?

                                                  I only mention this as we used to have 3 magazines, EIM, ME and MEW, and now there will be one…


                                                  I think it’s another example of the decline of niche publishing. Most of ME’s content is far better served by  websites for the long construction series and blogs the tedious stream of consciousness articles that are the equivalent of a club bore. The British obsession with small steam being the only thing worth spending any time on doesn’t help; in more than twenty years of buying MEW, I doubt I’ve bought half a dozen copies of ME.

                                                  MEW is in a similar position, but is held back by the ‘Model Engineer’ title and focus. There’s a lack of in depth information for general workshop subjects like sheet metal work, modern welding(any joining really), materials, machinery repairs, the overlap of woodwork/metalwork/3D printing/repairs/etc. Many of these things are touched on by other niche interests, but only as ‘the new part was turned on a lathe by somebody else.’

                                                  This merger will only work for me if the ‘extra value’ ME content is better edited(I’m thinking of multi-multi-part construction articles) and genuinely additional to the pages I’m currently paying for. I will be very surprised if that turns out to be the case.


                                                  Personally, I think both magazines would be considerably improved by being separate quarterly publications.

                                                  John Hinkley

                                                    I have been reading this thread and mulling over all the responses.  The one thing that comes across to me is that the editor and, inter alia, the publishers, have the unenviable task of trying to satisfy everybody who reads the magazine(s).  Almost all aspects of the hobby are represented in the replies, from the inevitable steam buffs (of which I am not one), to those who tinker with motorcycles and cars, make tools and fixtures, electronics, CNC machines, 3D printers etc, etc.  This list is almost endless. As was once said, “you can please all the people some of the time….”  Well, you know the rest.  The trick is finding the correct balance to please MOST of the readership, MOST of the time.  Tricky, if not nigh impossible, I reckon.

                                                    So, best of luck, Neil, here’s power to your elbow.  I await the outcome with interest, and am prepared to give the new format a fair crack of the whip and not be too judgemental of the first few months of the renewed incarnation.  It will take time to settle into a form that will appeal to the majority.



                                                    Bob Worsley

                                                      I used to design and manufacture a range of digital readouts for the model engineering fraternity. This really ceased in the noughties, China arrived selling at less than it cost me to make my readouts, and the tidal wave of EU directives, such as EMC or the one about recycling, made any business a non-starter. I have repaired the readouts from then, 1991, to now but a stroke has severly curtailed my fine motor control.

                                                      So what has that to do with the thread?

                                                      In the late 90’s Ted Jolliffe commented that few people made engines anymore. Must be even less now. The thing now seems to be to drive engines, not make them. The value of part complete engines is significantly less than the cost of the castings and metal, let alone the time spent. How much longer will casting suppliers exist?

                                                      Remember back in the mid-50’s ME re-invented itself as the NEW Model Engineer, a disaster that lasted for just months. Remember the Model Mechanics magazine that arrived just when EIM started, what a hopeless set of articles in that, the Eagle loco and a traction engine. Then there was the argument between LBCS and ME in the late 50’s which resulted in LBSC stopping writing. I was amazed that ME didn’t fold at this time, LBSC was the one person that kept ME running for years.

                                                      There is a German ME magazine, why not combine forces? I have spoken to the writer of the articles and they are good, no locos but lots of interesting stationary engines.

                                                      The bottom line is that ME requires both lots of money and space just to make models. It also requires significant skills to make the models, my interest, and CAD drawings with lots of white space and things like additive manufacturing are not part of real model engineering, I would say the latest golden age was the 80’s and 90’s, I do wonder if people really appreciste just how good Ted Jolliffe, Mike Chrisp and chap who ran MEW (sorry, can’t remember his name) really were. I did the ME shows through the 90’s, they always talked to me, and everyone else, editor of EIM never once spoke to me even after costing me thousands to exhibit at his show, actually similar to Harrogate.

                                                      Model engineering seems to me to now be a Men’s Sheds type of thing, change the magazine to reflect that?


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