Hi Vic, I think that, around 2004, Sumitomo changed the dimensions of their small toolholders and inserts so that they were fully ISO-compliant. This instantly made the toolholders I had already bought more-or-less useless, because the non-ISO inserts were then only available as old stock.
Going from 2004-ish Sumitomo catalogues, I think (and excuse me if I’m wrong, but the cross-referencing is poor) CCGT 080202N-SC is the ‘New ISO’ number used by Sumitomo for the ISO number CCGM 080202 EFM. It also looks like New ISO No. CCGP030EFM is the same insert, or at least the same dimensions. Its a rhomboid, with sides 8.1 mm and 7.94 mm long, 2.38 mm thick, with a 0.2 mm tip radius, single-sided, screw fixed T12 cermet insert. They fit SCLCR 1010-03-S and SCBCR 1010-03-S (and SCLCL~, SCBCL~) holders, which have 10 mm square shanks. These, and the CCGP~ inserts were sold by a couple of outfits who served the UK model engineering world, and suit Myford-sized lathes perfectly.
I think that the inserts are therefore non-ISO-compliant, and are thus obsolete, as are the holders. You might find someone with some old holders, who might buy them (including me!), but I think you’ll have a job to find new holders. You could, of course, make them…