Dimensions on a 3D model particularly Atom3D


Dimensions on a 3D model particularly Atom3D

Home Forums CAD – Technical drawing & design Dimensions on a 3D model particularly Atom3D

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  • #717064
    David George 1

      I have recently seen on another topic that it is possible to put dimensions on to a 3D model in Alibre Atom by Jason B and have never seen that before. I tried to implement that on some of my drawings and can find no way of doing it. Is there some settings etc which I need to set first.

      David George


        I’m using Pro so that may make a difference but don’t think so.

        Try it with just an isometric on the sheet without the usual plans and elevations, they can always be added separately.

        You may need to click on the isometric once to place the “dot” that appears and then click the dots again to dimension between them. Definately need to do that with round parts as clicking just on the curve won’t give a diameter a sit does on the elevations. Even then it is not always possible to get a dimension on everything and some don’t show as their true length.

        I’ll add Atom to the thread title and maybe David Jupp will chip in.

        David Jupp


          I’m not clear quite what it is you want to do – and don’t know which other topic you might be referring to.

          One word of caution based on Jason’s mention of dimensioning isometric drawing views – Alibre dimensions reflect the projected length of the edge in an isometric view NOT the actual physical length.

          If you give a bit more information, or point me to the other thread that you saw, I’ll try to help.


            David, see this post in reply to one a couple before. The diameters are correct but the lengths are too short.

            If you only have straight sides to a part then it can be fiddled by scaling to a factor of about 1.21 which will then show the sizes as if the part were 1:1 but that will throw any round items off.

            It would be quite a nice feature, I often draw things for clients that have no technical background and they can understand and visualise an isometric more than elevations and plans. So being able to add some dimensions to give an idea of size would be good.

            David Jupp

              Some 3D CAD systems do support full 3D PMI annotations on the 3D model – ultimately these can do away with the need for 2D drawings as all the information is visible in the 3D model.

              Atom3D (and higher levels of Alibre CAD) does not support 3D PMI yet.

              The option to display actual dimensions rather than projected ones in isometric views is logged as an enhancement request.  No idea when that might be implemented.


                Just for interest:

                • The current version of FreeCAD’s techdraw workbench does the same as Alibre.  It measures the length of the projected line as displayed on screen and doesn’t use the actual dimension.   More likely to mislead than help!
                • SolidEdge 2023, in so far as I tested it, appears to dimension projected lines with their true length, which is useful.

                Although I’m pleased SE can do it, I’m unlikely to use the feature!  When I make parts from Third Angle drawings, I expect all the relevant dimensions to be on the plan views.   Isometric views confirm what the part looks like, “which way up and right or left handed”, and I don’t expect them to be dimensioned.   Might be old-fashioned prejudice because I only did 1 year Technical Drawing aged 15, and am self-taught since.

                Probably change my mind if I showed 2D drawings to clients.



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