I have just attempted to resubscribe to MEW digital. My last expired last month, but i was very reluctant to renew because my access was actually removed about the 2 Jan, and subscriptions.co.uk refused to answer any further emails after explaining that ‘my subscription expired with the Feb edition’ – even though that hadn’t been published at the time.
Anyway, since it appears that I just have to put up with their poor attitude to customer service if I want the excellent magazine, i decided to resubscribe. All appeared to go well, until this message:
Signup Complete
The link to customer services is actually to the ‘about’ page, on which i cant find a reference to customer services. So, I dont know whether all is well, or i somehow need to contact the mythical customer services to fix something.
(and then i need to hope that 12 months access means 12 months – in fact there will be no hope about it, i will pursue the matter vigorously if its even a day short of when i get granted access)