Digital Issues – what do you get?


Digital Issues – what do you get?

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  • #718607

      I stopped subscribing to the printed issues when delivery to New Zealand became unreliable. Digital subscriptions have never really appealed to me and any forays into the offering in the past have been disappointing, so I didn’t bother. Anyway, there appears to be an interesting series coming along so thought I’d reconsider my position on a digital subscriptions.

      However, apart from the number of issues you are going to get, there is nothing on the ME/MEW or Classic Magazines websites that confirm exactly what you are getting for your money. That information would form part of a contract between so should be there.

      So can you please confirm what do you get?

      1. For a one year subscription 26 ME or 13 MEW issues?
      2. Access to the digital archives back to what issue?
      3. The ability to print anything, in .pdf form, from  the digital issues purchased and the digital archive issues?
      4. Access, in perpetuity, to the issues purchased regardless of whether the subscription has lapsed?




        1. Both clearly started here and here as 26 and 12 when you click the digital tab

        2. ME back to 2001, All MEW

        3. Yes all can be printed to a pdf writer

        4. Only get archive access while subscription is active, will still get access to issues paid for during the subscription only via Pocketmags when subs expire.




          I was aware of #1 but the others weren’t stated anywhere other than as responses to various other forum queries. All of these should be clearly stated on the subscription sign up page as they form part of the subscription contract whereas the forum doesn’t.



            I have just changed from paper to digital for my copies of the ME.

            Over the past years I have scanned articles of interest and then given the magazines to my local council for recycling. Going digital I thought I would be receiving a .pdf file of each copy and I would continue filing articles of interest using screenshots.

            Instead I have to use Pocketmag to view the digital copy. I can only view it, nothing else. I cannot update my archive of articles of interest.

            I am unhappy and feel digitally mugged.


            ps. I could photograph the laptop screen!

            Firefox, which I use, has something called Pocket. I think I can move the copy of ME to it but it will still only give visual access.


              1. You can download in pdf form from Pocketmags but they limit it to two pages at a time.

              2. You can visit the archive on this site and view your latest or any other mag in the archive. You can then selectively download any or all of that mag in pdf form.

              When you have this sites viewer up, click th ethree horizontal bars top right which is the usual menu icon and you will see “download” in the list of options that comes up. Click that and then you get this screen. Hopefully self explanitory




                Many thanks.

                I will try your suggestions later in the week. My digital adventures have cost me an afternoon in the workshop. Which is more important?



                Robert Atkinson 2

                  For the back issues, which includes last years subscription, you can save issues as a PDF locally. Unfortunatly the resolution for the earlier issues is poor. This is for MEW but ME is probably the same.
                  I just checked and the current subscription issues are in the archive and can be downloaded. It is a bit tedious though.

                  Grindstone Cowboy
                    On JA Said:

                    ps. I could photograph the laptop screen!…

                    You might like the screen snip tool, available in Win 10 and 11, rather than using a camera 🙂

                    Explanation on its use here


                    Links to

                    John Haine

                      Many public libraries use a system called Libby for online books and mags and it gives access to ME and MEW.

                      Michael Gilligan

                        Apparently it depends on the Library’s choice of subscription. 🙁

                        I haven’t used Libby much for the last couple of years, but when I opened it today the front cover of MEW 348 was displayed  … AND THEN  when I tried to read it:




                        So it looks like Manchester Central Library has unsubscribed,


                        jimmy b

                          I’ve stopped all subscriptions and now just use Readly for my magazines



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