I have been purchasing MEW at the news stand for the past 3-4 years. On the whole, I've found it to be a wonderful magazine.
Recently, I decided to purchase a digital subscription. Prior to doing so, I went to the magazine's site and looked at the sample magazine located in 'Extras'. The quality is appalling, bordering on unreadable. A quick glance through the forums yields a lengthy list of complaints against the digital version, with some readers even saying that they've gone so far as to scan their own physical copies. This all leads me to believe that what I saw is as good as it gets. Can someone either confirm that perception or set me straight?
There is no print option in the reader, and printing via the standard browser print function only yields blank pages. Is this intentional? If the forums are accurate, it seems that after purchasing a digital subscription, one must wait for some number of days for account information to be delivered by post. Really? In 2013?
This all prompted me to go and download a few issues in PDF format from a torrent. While not perfect, they are remarkably good. They are certainly good enough. And an order of magnitude better than what I see in the sample issue on the MEW site.
Perhaps I have it all wrong; if so, someone please correct me, as I'd really like to purchase the digital edition. Otherwise, I'll have to go away thinking that this is the most convoluted, destined to fail, epub strategy I've ever seen. It is nothing less than insanity — to intentionally produce a deficient digital product (due to fears of piracy, I assume) that is both hard to purchase and difficult to use. Of course, the magazine's owners are free to do as they wish. I sincerely hope that they profit well from all the effort they've put into the magazine and all the value that they've brought to their readers — I guess that's why I'm both saddened and shocked by what I've seen with the digital edition.