Now that I’ve spent a little bit of time with the new viewer I have become even more disenchanted. The limited printing capabilities are very annoying and certainly not what we signed up for when we bought our subscriptions. The blurry, low-res text is very hard on the eyes and gives me a headache after reading for more than about 15 minutes. However, the most annoying aspect of the low-res reader, and one that will likely make me seek a refund, is the fact that the dimensions on many of the drawings are completely illegible making the content itself pointless.
I really think your management team is doing your readers/subscribers a disservice by providing a very low quality product after initially selling us on a better quality product. While I understand your concerns about controlling content distribution, addressing it by providing low quality scans and a low-res reader is not going to solve any of your problems. In fact, you are alienating your customers and, in doing so, you are not only losing potential subscribers (aka revenue) but also losing repeat business from your existing customers. Without realizing it, MEW has committed a classic “bait and switch” fraud by changing their offering after accepting payment. On principle alone I would demand a refund of my subscription if this issue is not promptly addressed and dealt with.
I really think you need to take a step back and look at what your peers in the magazine publishing world are doing in regards to electronic content. For example, for about 1/2 of what I paid for my digital subscription to MEW, I have bought an annual subscription to Fine Woodworking which gives me complete access to very hi-res pdf files of EVERY article ever published by Fine Woodworking. Likewise, for about the same price as my MEW subscription I have purchased 10 years of Wood Magazine and Popular Woodworking, both in hi-res pdf’s. I’m sure the publishers of those magazines had similar initial misgivings. However, by providing a convenient, high quality product at a fair price, they are now reaping the benefits financially, regardless of any unauthorized/illegal distribution of the files. There are better ways of dealing with software piracy than penalizing and inconveniencing your honest, paying customers.
I sincerely hope that your management team reconsiders this new implementation and takes immediate steps to either restore the old reader (at the very least) or even provide better quality scans in pdf format. Otherwise, I’m sad to say, I will be in line with the others demanding a refund for my 3 week old digital subscription.