Digital editions of Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop.


Digital editions of Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop.

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Digital editions of Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop.

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  • #43375
    Paul Boscott
      Good Idea Jim
      If this goes anywhere Let me know I would pay for an on line subscription I would like to have a method of backing it up to my own hard drive perhaps  the way itunes do it would be posable
      Peter Tucker
        Hello Chaps,
        What has happened to the discution on digital back issues?  John S. asked how much people are prepared to pay and no one else seems prepared to put a figure on their desires.  So come on if we want them lets show we are at least prepared to pay costs.
        Paul Boscott
          I have this week changed my opinion about the desirability of a digital only subscription.


          Issue 4360 was on the available back issues before I had received my copy in the post.


          So I read it on line the system worked well the pages turned at my request and I was able to zoom in to the articles that I wanted to read.

          On receiving the hard copy I reread it sitting much more relaxed the reading the complete magazine cover-to-cover including all the articles and adds.


          I have decided that the latter was the better experience.




          PS David

          I now think that there is a good case for back issues not being available until they are say 6 months old. The security of using the subscriber’s number as proof of subscription is not good. I can provide details to back up this statement off line if you want an explanation

          Edited By Paul Boscott on 12/09/2009 07:04:17

          Edited By Paul Boscott on 12/09/2009 07:05:19

          David Clark 13
            Hi There
            Yes, interested.
            Please email me.
            regards david
            Jim K
              Yes i would be interested in the purchase of back issues.
              Steel Master
                I have a digital subscription to the US Fine Woodworking magaizine.
                Living in Australia that magazine in paper form costs an arm and a leg and takes about 3 months to appear on out news stands, as does ME and MEW.
                A digital subscription for overseas subscribers would be a boon for both the subscribers and the publishers. It could be made available at a reasonable cost, we would have the latest issue available (both for reading on-line and downloading in pdf format) as soon at it appears in the UK.
                If it works for Fine Woodworking, it could work for ME/MEW and generate extra income, it does for Taunton in the US.
                They even include full access to their archives in pdf format, all that for about $US35 pa.
                Jim K
                  What about The Best Of ME and MEW have you thought of selling them as digitised issues maybe could be done as a pilot scheme.
                    I was very surprised to find issue 156 (Nov. 09) in the back issue section as I havn’t even received my paper copy yet (Ilive in Spain).
                    I don’t know what is going on with the subscriptions at the moment, I have had to write in twice so far this year to report missing issues, but must admit after reporting, replacements were sent..
                    On a further note…. I would love to see earlier issues published online to issue 122, I was particularly looking for issue 113 for an article referred to in a later issue.
                    PS issue 155 was received on 3rd September.
                    David Clark 13
                      Hi there
                      No one has received a printed copy.
                      Still being printed.
                      regards David
                      Dave Jones 1
                        Following on from the who would be interested in digital copies discussion… I would be, if nothing else because of the saving on shelf space! would it be possible to try a few trial runs, such as 10 years worth of ME on a dvd for a set price say £20 off the top of my head. 
                        It just seems that a full set would be useful to a minority whereas 10 years worth would appeal to a wider audience (the early editions to those interested in old tools and methods, early 20th century for those who like the electrical models, 2000’s for those interested in CNC. etc…)
                          I am a subscriber to MEW.
                          I am unable to read the Model Engineers’ Workshop issue No. 15. When I click the magazine cover, I get a new window that is trying to show me a BBC program, but since I am not in the UK, I cannot watch whatever program it is trying to show me. Plus, that doesn’t seem related to MEW No. 15. There is no way to skip the BBC material, and no way out of that window except by closing it.
                          I can only assume if I were a UK reader, after being forced to view the BBC program, I would then be taken to the MEW No. 15 page.
                          Is this the way MEW No. 15 is supposed to be viewed?
                          David Clark 13
                            Hi There
                            No 15 is not online.
                            Let me know which issue is the problem and I will check it and get it sorted if neccesary.
                            Nobody should be forced to watch the BBC.
                            regards David
                              Well, it was distinctly No. 15. The flyover text had a date appropriate for that issue.
                              This morning, when I was looking for it so I could describe the cover to you to verify my sighting, I saw issues 13(?), 14, and 16. I even looked a bit at No. 14.
                              Now, when I am composing this message, none of these “teen” numbers are on the website.
                              What’s happening?
                              Also, some issues in the Magazine Viewer window have a text box at the top and bottom that says “Preview Only. Not for use in a live environment” What’s that all about?
                              John Stevenson 1
                                13, 14 15 16?
                                MEW starts at 122 and goes up to 157.
                                there are no early versions on the page.
                                John S.


                                  Oh yes they were there, I managed to download no 17. 15 was there first thing, and that led you to the bbc site.

                                  The web makers are obviously having a play!!



                                  Leeds UK

                                  Tom Wightman 1
                                    Hi Guys
                                    Moving away from the free/buy and copyright issues for a moment, has anyone else had a problem printing pages from Flexipage?  When I print to a laser printer using the Flexipage “print pages” command the text on the printout is pretty well illegible.  Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?


                                    Tom Wightman 1
                                      In response to my post above, lest anyone else run into the same problem, the poor printing appears to be associated with the print drivers I’m using on Linux.  When I switched to Windoze the printout quality was fine.  Of course there is the issue of paper size, since North American usage is letter (8-1/2 x 11) rather than A4.  It looks like a good way to get around that issue is to select A4 paper in the printer options (even though you have letter sized paper in the printer – selecting this option forces printing of the full page – if you select letter it will try to accomodate by not printing the bottom 10% of the page), then select a magnification of 90% of normal size.  In my case I note that the page numbers and magazine title from the bottom of the page are not printed.  This is the case even when I shrink the printout to 85% of normal size, leaving a big margin at the bottom.
                                      David Clark 13
                                        Hi There
                                        The missing pages should only be adverts.
                                        regards David
                                          In MEW 120 Page 51 is missing, it it part of an article, Page 52 is an advert.
                                          May I suggest that somebody check all digital copies and fix them, starting from issue 1?
                                          It is quite expensive to get the copy, finding pages are missing.
                                          Steve Garnett
                                            Eddie, that goes for quite a few issues, not just 120. You’re absolutely right about checking though – and whilst that’s happening and being corrected, the pages need assembling in the correct order too – loads of issues are wrong from this POV.
                                            Even if the adverts get left out at the start, having the contents page before any of the articles would also be helpful.


                                              There is an importance in having the adverts included with the magazine. If you use the index to find an article, it will give the magazine page number, which no longer corresponds with the PDF page number. As we would have no idea where the advert pages would be, and many of the page numbers are not included in the scan, it means that the index is rendered useless.

                                              David did say that due to copyright issues, only the whole magazine, including the adverts could be posted. Is this no longer true?

                                              It appears that the whole archive was done in a rush, and now will need extensive sorting out. 

                                              Can someone PLEASE let subscribers know which issues are checked and corrected as they are done.



                                              Leeds UK

                                              David Clark 13
                                                Hi There
                                                Page 51 is part of an article.
                                                Sorry about that.
                                                I will get all rescanned and posted ASAP but it will take me a long while to scan 120 magazines.
                                                regards David

                                                Edited By David Clark 1 on 07/01/2010 10:41:03

                                                Mike Crawshaw 1
                                                  Hi David,
                                                  I think the fact that the errors are acknowledged and you have said you will get all rescanned will allay most subscribers concerns. The digital archive is a fantastic idea and I for one am finding it of immense value.
                                                  Mike C
                                                  David Clark 13
                                                    Hi There
                                                    Steps are now being taken to sort this out.
                                                    The people who did the original archive where temporary staff taken on to do the scanning and creation of digital images.
                                                    It is now all in hand and we will do all possible to ensure quick and accurate magazines.
                                                    regards David
                                                      Hi David
                                                      Thanks for attending to the problem, I dont mind the ads, as kieth stated, the index would then be of use.
                                                      South Africa.
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