I remember the good old days when plans were ordered by first sending a Stamp Addressed Envelope to the advertiser, who eventually posted it back containing a copy of his catalogue. Then the I was able to order the item, and because at the time I didn’t have a bank account, that meant a walk in the rain to buy a Postal Order. Many opportunities for delay in this system. The customer was obliged to fill out an order form, and often got it wrong. One very common mistake was customers omitting their address, an error that could only be put right by them. Or messing up the cheque.
The Terms and Conditions were the icing on the cake: Allow 28 days for Delivery. And always possible that a letter would arrive after the order was placed saying ‘temporarily out of stock, delivery in ‘n’ months‘.
Today we expect instant gratification because modern supply systems are super efficient. Not always though! For example, maintaining a consistently fast service is impossible when a small business depends on one or two people. They can only deliver when physically able, so anything going wrong is liable to cause a brown-out. In this case, Vic’s life has been ruined by a chap going on holiday!