Digital display settings changed and not sure how to get it back!


Digital display settings changed and not sure how to get it back!

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop Digital display settings changed and not sure how to get it back!

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  • #32020
    Wayne Soutter

      M-Dro Digital Display BC10-3M

      Wayne Soutter


        I have an M-DRO BC10-3M

        Recently I inadvertently pressed a button (don't know which!) that has make it practically unusable.

        Previously if I moved my mill bed say 50 mm, the screen would show that I had moved 50.000mm

        Now it seems as if the decimal point has changed and I cannot make any sense of it.

        I have recorded what I am seeing in the attached video.

        The video is showing the BC10 setup in mm; I move my mill bed 25.4mm (1inch) and the screen shows it move from 0 through to 9999 twice and then ends up at 4877 on the third 'loop'.

        Here is a link to the video: UXvDp3VT1LvZWFPS8 >**LINK**

        Previously it would have just shown, 25.400 as the end value.

        I cannot find manuals on the web for this or any support. Does anyone have any ideas!? Anything might help point me in the right direction. I am completely stumped! I spent 1.5 hours trying to decipher what we are seeing with a friend…. but we are non the wiser!




          Sounds like the resolution of the scale has been altered but don't have that model to confirm. Had that on another forum a few weeks ago but their decimal point only moved one place.

          Also in the video you say you are going to move the table one inch but you say you are going to turn the handwheel once? I would expect 10 turns on an imperial machine and 12.7 turns on a metric machine.

          Edited By JasonB on 28/04/2019 07:05:06

          Dennis WA

            Contact Machine-DRO at:

            • Address : The Allendale Group Ltd, Machine DRO Dept, Pindar Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0BZ, United Kingdom
            • Email:
            • Tel: +44 (0)1992 455921

            I have their product on my lathe and milling machine and have found them most helpful.

            They advertise on this page – see the ads under Support Our Partners on the right hand side.

            You can go directly to their webpage at

            geoff adams

              Hi Wayne

              I have a dro the same as yours and a manual i can make a copy and send it to you or i could get one of lads to email it to you pm me an address or email it does go on about setting parameter settings so you might have hit a wrong button


              Wayne Soutter

                Hi All, gosh, thanks for the various rapid responses!

                @JasonB – you are absolutely right – sorry being a novice, I didn't think that one through when making the statement! I haven't checked – but I am sure you are right.

                @Dennis – thank you – if I can't get it right with Geoff's kind offer of a manual – I will definitely reach out to the Allendale group. Great to know they are good on customer service.

                @Geoff – thank you – very kind offer. I will PM you details.


                  Like Jason, I think the resolution has been set wrong, ie a mismatch between the scale and the display. Wayne's unit may be showing actual scale counts rather than converting them to inches or mm.

                  The DRO has to be told what the resolution of the connected scale is. To do this it has a hidden set-up function and the problem is finding out how to activate it. I hope Geoff's manual will explain! Various methods: button on the back, or a computer connected via a USB port, but more likely a particular button on the front panel is pressed at the right moment whilst the unit is powering up.

                  This video is for a different unit, but it shows a typical set-up approach used by many electronic displays, not just DROs.

                  M-DRO seem to be one of those pesky vendors who fail to publish manuals on the web. They do have a nice line in videos (see above), but Wayne's question is hard to answer without the proper documentation.


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