Digital copies of MEW on disc


Digital copies of MEW on disc

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      Perhaps a DVD could be in a slightly different format say large multi-issue projects, the Stepperhead Lathe springs to mind on one dvd. Possibly 10 best QCTP to make or all of the one man and his lathe articles. A selection of bench tools or a collection of lathe projects. Electronics in the workshop or a gathering of all the CNC articles.

      Might be more interesting/saleable than just a rehash of isuue 1 to 20; 21 to 30 etc. Of course it probably entails a good deal more work for someone! How many issues fit on one DVD?


      Neil Wyatt

        We could put the lot on a single DVD.

        Would people be prepared to pay around £50 if it was nicely presented (proper case, colour inserts and cellophane wrap), and included some sort of index?


          Posted by Journeyman on 23/10/2016 15:34:15:

          Perhaps a DVD could be in a slightly different format say large multi-issue projects, the Stepperhead Lathe springs to mind on one dvd. Possibly 10 best QCTP to make or all of the one man and his lathe articles. A selection of bench tools or a collection of lathe projects. Electronics in the workshop or a gathering of all the CNC articles.

          Might be more interesting/saleable than just a rehash of isuue 1 to 20; 21 to 30 etc. Of course it probably entails a good deal more work for someone! How many issues fit on one DVD?


          i do like that idea easier to look for certain bits,


            The inclusion of a searchable index that took you straight to the article would certainly make the product more attractive. Not quite sure about the £50 but they would make nice Christmas gifts, maybe next yearsmiley

              Posted by Neil Wyatt on 23/10/2016 13:42:29:

              Posted by Circlip on 23/10/2016 12:04:00:

              Think about it, a subscription has to be renewed, a disk costs a one off. Which way is an accountant going to jump.disgust

              Yet no doubt folks will want to pay a similar amount for both… don't undermine my case for MTM producing a DVD…


              Pity there isn't an effective "Search" Neil MBAS were offered FREE assistance yonks ago with this and scanning. I reiterate, which way will an accountant jump????

              Regards Ian.


                If I were an accountant I would prefer 1000 sales at £20 as opposed to 100 at £50, be careful you don't make many potential customers think twice, particularly those who might already own hard copies.



                  It's interesting that the German Maschines im Modellbau (equivalent to ME) who always used to do a DVD of each years mags has now stopped doing that and you can now only get it digitally. These where properly boxed and sleeved DVD and quality was a lot better than many of the old MEWs that are available online in the archive

                  Sorry Neil, looks like the cat is on scraps for dinnersad

                  Neil Bradshaw

                    Hi Everybody.Can I just raise one point if it hasnt already been coverd.

                    DVDs like CDs dont last for ever.

                    They can get scratched broken or even deteiorate due to UV light.

                    Can you backup these DVDs or copy them to a backup drive etc.

                    Leave the backup copy in the workshop the origonal in the house.

                    Even microsoft sugest one backup of there install discs in case of problems




                    Neil G6UWI





                    Edited By Neil Bradshaw on 23/10/2016 18:26:34


                      But don't forget, "Archive quality" discs last longer.

                      Regards Ian.


                        The (my) ideal would be an online archive as normal web pages with the whole thing accessable to Google and other search engines for indexing. No losses no DVD failure searchable 24/7 and read in a standard web browser on any platform you like, anywhere you want. Just log in to access, better than the peculiar PocetMags thing although the mags are quite readable just not searchable, saveable or particularly printable.

                        Cheers, John

                          Posted by Journeyman on 23/10/2016 10:53:34:

                          Thanks for the info. Next silly question indecision, how do I download my latest copy of MEW, I can read it OK in the PocketMags reader but can't find a download link/button? Also how am I supposed to see the archives on my PC when I don't use Flash Player. HTML5 is now the preferred option.

                          John, I hope I didn't misunderstand your previous question. When I said you lose access when your subscription runs out, I was talking specifically about access to the digital copies on the ME website …. which is everything back to issue-1

                          But if you were talking about access to your subscription copies that you downloaded via PocketMags, you are supposed to retain access to those issues after your subscription expires even if you don't renew it. Personally I wouldn't stake my life on it – I've found PocketMags to be pretty flakey quite often.


                            Bandersnatch, thanks for clearing that up. Yes I,ve only been using PocketMags for a day and I think it's a bit odd, still I will get used to it. Managed to download a copy on my tablet but don't seem to be able to download on the PC which would be more useful as I have a couple of terrabytes of hard drive to fill up!

                            Cheers, John

                              Posted by Neil Wyatt on 23/10/2016 15:48:39:

                              We could put the lot on a single DVD.

                              Would people be prepared to pay around £50 if it was nicely presented (proper case, colour inserts and cellophane wrap), and included some sort of index?

                              For everything back to Issue-1? For perspective that's about the same (slightly less) than the current 1-year ROW subscription.

                              Depends how it's presented though. For a DVD (limited lifetime) containing decent quality pdf's of the issues, I'd be prepared to pay that, sure. But if they are encrypted files of so-so quality that I can't back up and that must be viewed from the DVD with a special, user-hostile viewer … then no, I wouldn't.

                              Roger Provins 2
                                Posted by Neil Wyatt on 23/10/2016 15:48:39:

                                We could put the lot on a single DVD.

                                Would people be prepared to pay around £50 if it was nicely presented (proper case, colour inserts and cellophane wrap), and included some sort of index?


                                I would if the DVD contained all issues from number one to the present.


                                  Posted by Journeyman on 23/10/2016 18:57:44:

                                  Yes I,ve only been using PocketMags for a day and I think it's a bit odd, still I will get used to it. Managed to download a copy on my tablet

                                  I lost all the issues from a previous subscription (they just disappeared) and couldn't re-download them. I had to get the PM tech-support to re-instate them (which they did).

                                  Also, now, when I try to by a single issue of ME I can't use PayPal. It simply fails every time and I have to use a credit card instead. I suspect (but don't know) that they are trying to pass my PM email address to PayPal in the transaction and that email is different from the one PayPal knows so it fails. Other vendors don't do that – they just pass you over to PayPal and let you do a complete login there – including the email that PayPal recognises.


                                    Hi are you sure about not getting acces to purchased magazines, I think you do through pocket mags, as I have cancelled a garden mag subscription but all my purchased ones are still available.

                                    Don't know what would happen if pocket mags goes down the tubes, might have to think of a back up system

                                      Posted by Neil Wyatt on 23/10/2016 15:48:39:

                                      We could put the lot on a single DVD.

                                      Would people be prepared to pay around £50 if it was nicely presented (proper case, colour inserts and cellophane wrap), and included some sort of index?


                                      If as Roger mentioned, it included all issues from no.1 to the present day, then I think £50 would be a good price. Bearing in mind that would be nearly 250 issues, or just over 20p per issue.



                                      Rod Ashton

                                        Here`s my £50! When is it available?

                                        Martin 100
                                          Posted by Ady1 on 22/10/2016 10:00:52:

                                          Unless something gets done 50 to 100 years of ME from 1898, with about what, 3000 years of human effort within its pages, will be lost in the next 50 years to the ME community.

                                          As old magazines on tatty paper disintegrate and become unusable only a few places will still have access to that unique historical record of ideas and skills

                                          I presume that eventually google books will put it up, as it has with other publications

                                          Someone, I think in the US scanned many years of ME a decade or more ago maybe from the first issues up to the 1950's I can't recall exactly the coverage.. Many sets were distributed originally on CD iirc before activity was shut down with threats of litigation. Copies, possibly only partial, still exist in the darker corners of the web.

                                          Neil Wyatt

                                            You should be able to download the pocketmags viewer and your paid-for issues to your computer and be able to view them as long as you like without any further need for Pocketmags to be involved. .I would suggest keeping the install file for the viewer so it's easy to move to your next computer…

                                            Thanks for the feedback on a DVD, I can't make any promises, bit I will raise it.




                                              If I were to buy your proposed £50 DVD, can I part-exchange my paper copies from No 1 to date, currently occupying 2 small Ikea cabinets?smile p

                                              John Stevenson 1

                                                Good God, I'm going to loose a fortune here as I'm currently sitting on over 800 copies of MEW.

                                                Obviously not 1 to 800 as they haven't been printed but duplicates of many of them.

                                                Personally I think it's a bad idea. wink


                                                  The DVD sounds good, only one problem when I look through the back issues on the site I end up reading all sorts of articals I end up forgetting what I started to look for, complete series I could be lost for days


                                                    Neil I will look into the back up of the purchased mags, just in case PM closes down

                                                    Nicholas Farr
                                                      Posted by Neil Wyatt on 21/10/2016 17:03:05:

                                                      They are pirate copies and we've had t move mountains to get eBay to pull them.

                                                      Use the money to upgrade to a digital sub and get access to the online archive and help me feed two dogs and a cat.


                                                      Hi Neil, it still looks as if they are available XXXX

                                                      Regards Nick.

                                                      <Thought I ought to remove the link – we don't want to promote people who are pirating our magazines!>

                                                      Edited By Neil Wyatt on 29/10/2016 21:43:16

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