FWIW, I use the following:
150mm, 0.01mm resolution, 0.01mm accuracy Starrett dial caliper.
100mm, 0.02mm resolution, unquoted accuracy, "Whiteface" dial caliper.
150mm, 0.05mm resolution, unquoted accuracy, slide vernier caliper.
I also have a Rolson digital caliper, 150mm 0.01mm resolution, can't remember the quoted accuracy, and an Aldi digital caliper, 150mm, 0.01mm resolution, can't remember the accuracy.
Of these, the Starrett is head and shoulders above the rest for "niceness" to use. The "Whiteface" is ok around the lathe because of its size, but its movement is atrociously rough. The slide vernier is ok, but a bit short on resolution! Of the digitals, both "eat" batteries hence are not used. In addition, the Aldi measurement system is rubbish.
In terms of accuracy, I have 25mm, 50mm & 75mm Mitutoyo micrometer standards. Using these, the slide vernier appears dead accurate; the Starrett similarly, and the "Whiteface" ok but note the poorer resolution. I haven't bothered with the digitals because for one thing any reading is subject to plus or minus one digit. Which means that, eg, 10.00mm could be measured as 9.99 or 10.01mm. Hardly accurate in my view! By the way, I did all my testing at room temperature of 25 degrees C having allowed the instruments and standards to soak overnight. Also, I kept manual handling to an absolute minimum.
As you guess, I'm not a fan of digital measuring devices!
Peter G. Shaw