Digital Archive Access Missing


Digital Archive Access Missing

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  • #439549
    Martin 100

      I've both MEW and ME print and digital subscriptions, both obtained through the subscribe link above with expiry towards the end of 2020

      Both subs numbers are entered in my settings

      After logging in to pocketmags and entering the appropriate subs numbers I can access current editions of both magazines

      Using the magazines link above it only lists my MEW subscription and after clicking the link I can access the MEW archive.

      I've tried tried on both firefox and chrome, on W7 and W10 and the magazines page is identical, always showing a link to just the MEW archive and not both mags.

      Emails to have failed to elicit a response to my problem.

      The ME subscription was originally ordered as a print sub but has since been amended after discussion with to a print and digital sub.

      The subscriptions page at

      shows what appears to be a current print and digital subscription to both mags

      Martin 100
        Neil Wyatt

          Hi Martin, I've investigated, which will have logged you off.

          It seems that the ME subs number in your profile is correct and should allow access to the archive.

          As you state the system is only offering access to MEW.

          The subs company have no access to this system, so i will ask a colleague to investigate, but I'm afraid they won't be available until Monday.

          Thanks for your patience.


          Neil Wyatt

            Hi Martin,

            I think there may have been a 'hidden character' in the field where your subs number was entered into your profile.

            I deleted it and re-entered it and I was then able to view the ME archive by emulating your account.

            This may have happened if you tried to copy and paste the number or it might just be 'one of those things'.

            Please try viewing the archive (note you will need to log back in) and report back.




              Either Neil has worked some magic or I did something but looks like you should be able to access the archive now as I was just able to under your name.

              EDIT, Looks like we were both looking at it at the same time and Neil found the problem


              Edited By JasonB on 30/11/2019 20:21:42

              Martin 100

                Many thanks Neil & Jason now all working. I did indeed just cut and paste direct from the subscription notification email and expected it to just 'work'

                Neil Wyatt
                  Posted by Martin 100 on 30/11/2019 21:07:26:

                  Many thanks Neil & Jason now all working. I did indeed just cut and paste direct from the subscription notification email and expected it to just 'work'

                  I think you may have picked up a space as well as the number, but that's just a hunch!


                    Posted by Martin 100 on 30/11/2019 21:07:26:

                    I did indeed just cut and paste direct from the subscription notification email and expected it to just 'work'

                    Conventional wisdom is that cut/paste is much more reliable than re-typing.

                    That said, I've always found Windows (if that's what you're using) to be a bit of a pain when it comes to selecting text by dragging the mouse. It will frequently pick up leading or trailing spaces, to the extent that it seems more likely to do that than not. (Or even the preceding or following whole-lines). All very finicky.

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