Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 03/05/2023 21:42:45:
Do you have a link to the ARB jack? I know that they do a hydralic version of the classic farmers/off-road "hy-lift" jack and a conventional airbag lifting bag/jack but those have a much lower height/diameter ratio and larger overall diameter so much more stable.
Yes there are lots of small importers of poor qulity stuff and even more overseas sellers selling to individuals in the UK with total disregard for the regulations. As somone you desingns and makes things in strict compliance with the regulations and sits on a committee the sets some of them I do find this annoying. Trouble is people are injured and killed by this stuff.
ARB seem to have discontinued it in favour of the much simpler airbag type you mentioned which is wider and more conformant resulting in greater stability, and clearly far cheaper to produce (they sell for about wat the Vevor ones do, but have ARB levels of mark-up on them).
I after some formative years in O&G, I spent a good chunk of my career operating in the Waste and Resources industry where the regulator is both unable and unwilling to take enforcement action against non-compliant operators, and actively targets larger more compliant operators (who they knew could stand any fines) for minor administrative issues to generate revenue (as admitted by their chief exec on an agency wide call, and leaked to the Gruiniad), but will fail to take against smaller ones which would be bankrupted leaving the regulator to foot the cleanup costs even when other operators give them cast iron evidence of serious non-compliance, that I have long since ceased to get upset about this kind of thing…
To do otherwise would long since have sent me mad, it's just another part of our increasing broken civic landscape stemming from a lack of funding and resources.
There's also the issue of how regulatory compliance is now approaching Byzantine levels of complexity, which would be fine, apart from the fact that ultimately for a huge proportion of goods which are subject to self-assessment conformity assessments, it's actually in a place of "Do what you think complies, then if we don't think it did, we will prosecute you at some point later and a judge can decide who was right"…
But simultaneously paying an external body if you don't have to will price you out of the market so there's an unlevel playing field on compliance approaches that incentivises companies to do things in house which they're poorly equipped to do.
That's made worse by the fact that we persist as a nation in maintaining an arrangement where the majority of our standards in the hands of a private body, behind a exorbitant paywall. Despite many of them being treated as the de-facto approach to regulatory compliance and some of them being de-jure regulations as they're referenced without expansion in secondary legislation…
Even the Americans make their standards publicly available when they take on legal force.