Posted by Roger Woollett on 27/06/2023 17:00:40:
… For the second test I used a smear of Trefolex but what would you recommend – WD40?
I have ducked the issue by switching to brass for the part and the thread cut perfectly so the die is probably fine.
I think the die threading Brass correctly proves the Aluminium rod is the problem.
Most likely it's probably a soft alloy rather than H30. Any tendency of the Aluminium to tear will be worsened by a fine thread like 40tpi. Andrew suggested tearing in the first answer and I think he's right. Cure: buy an Aluminium alloy known to be machinable rather than hoping what's in the junk box will do!
For threading I recommend a designer Tapping Fluid rather than a plain Cutting Fluid or what's to hand. I use CT90, because it's what my local emporium stocks. It works well.
Some sort of fluid is essential when threading Aluminium. Almost anything is better than nothing, but meths doesn't lubricate and it evaporates quickly. WD40, Paraffin and other light oils work well as Cutting Fluids on Aluminium, but neither handles high-pressure well, so less suitable for threading. Never used Trefolex, but should be suitable. Not keen on old-wives methods like Bacon fat – although they work moderately well they're a stinky bio-hazard.
No cutting fluid will fix a fundamental problem like the wrong alloy.
Final thought, failure to cut a decent thread may have prevented a worse problem – the fixing failing under load. If the alloy is torn by the die, it means the thread will be weak and liable to strip. Not good in a braking system or for holding on aircraft wings!