Did we go to the moon in 1969


Did we go to the moon in 1969

Home Forums The Tea Room Did we go to the moon in 1969

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    Barnaby Wilde
      Posted by Chris Trice on 27/05/2017 23:05:06:

      Those who believe the moon landings were faked simply lack the intellectual capacity to understand the science that made it possible. THEY can't get THEIR head round it therefore it can't be true, the height of arrogance and a belief they know everything and need no further education. As for the truly stupid suggestion that "some of it" was faked, really?

      Do you believe in a God?

      What's your opinion on those who do against those who don't?

      Bob Stevenson

        It's curious how people with dogmatic, fixed ideas based on their own "intelligence" always accuse anyone with a different take on the data as being "arrogant"……

        Edited By Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:50:27

          Posted by Hacksaw on 27/05/2017 00:08:29:

          There's a lot of intelligent technical people on here who could be working for NASA ..!


          Are you saying there are Nazi rocket scientists hidden in our midst.?? wink

          Even Neil Armstrong was 1/2 German. surprise

          Nick laugh

          Neil Wyatt
            Posted by blowlamp on 27/05/2017 23:35:53:

            How did they cope with temperature extremes of plus or minus 150-200 degrees C on the surface of the moon?

            Probably helped them that they use Fahrenheit not Celsius…

            Clive Hartland

              I see the question, 'Do you believe in a God; ? Now that raises the question about deniers does it not. The world is flat. 'No' it is not.

              Darwin was ridiculed about his ideas about the way the Flora and fauna adapted to various things to survive and then the age of the planet is more than most people can envisage.

              What is the main cause of life on this planet, Solar power is all and the adaptability of any life form to utilize it!

              So, where does a God come into it? Mostly in peoples minds so they are gullible and others take profit from it.

              I am a very practical person and see through 99% of the garbage that utters from peoples mouths, unfortunately some utter garbage more than others so they get confused.

              I can only think a deniers mind is so narrow and shallow that they cannot think for themselves. Not every thing is subversive nor is it true so that it is up to an individual to make a true assessment about every thing presented.


              Neil Wyatt

                NASA must have gone to the moon, otherwise how would they have got this photo:


                  Posted by Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:49:37:

                  It's curious how people with dogmatic, fixed ideas based on their own "intelligence" always accuse anyone with a different take on the data as being "arrogant"……

                  Edited By Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:50:27

                  Thank goodness this is only 'Going to the Moon' that's being discussed then and not Climate Change …

                  Perhaps we can let this one go now – or change it to a more interesting topic- there are lots that will ignite passionate debate here I'm sure. Here are three suggestions for starters;

                  – "The role of the Workshop Shaper in the 21st Century" (Have Mill – Why [linear] Travel?)

                  – "Why Mill owners still need a Faceplate" (This Lathe is not for Turning)

                  – "My Colchester is much better than your Adept" (Mine is definitely Bigger than yours!)

                  They would probably be even more zealously debated and frankly a lot more interesting…

                  Sun's shining (at least for now) so – time to get out and enjoy it.



                  Brian G
                    Posted by Mikelkie on 27/05/2017 20:45:53:

                    But why haven't they made a return visit to the moon ??

                    Because the crews are no longer considered expendable, and because the expense is too great when the aim of the Apollo project (beating the Soviet Luna project) is no longer there.

                    In the 60s and 70s astronauts and cosmonauts were widely publicised as heroic ex test pilots and their deaths served to demonstrate to the public just how difficult and dangerous the mission was, possibly increasing public interest and support. Once the shuttle programme began however, the public face of the missions became that of a bus taking scientists to work (possibly to cover up for the military nature of most of the earlier missions) and each failure became a public relations disaster as "ordinary people" were involved. (Try naming Mercury, Gemini and Apollo crew members, then do the same for the Shuttles).

                    As far as landing on the moon in 1969 is concerned, I think the answer is found in three questions:

                    1: Is the basic technology behind space travel possible? (The physics works, unfortunately there were plenty of holes in London to prove Von Braun's rockets worked, and artificial satellites have entered everyday life. It would be difficult or impossible – not to mention pointless and expensive – to fake GPS transmissions, in a way which would be consistent around the world.)

                    2: Which would have caused the US a greater problem, being publicly found out in a lie by the USSR at the height of the cold war, or losing a second Apollo crew? (Apollo 1 delayed manned missions, but development and testing continued.)

                    3: Could NASA have successfully predicted the composition of the mineral samples returned by the USSR's later Luna missions in order to fake Apollo 11's samples? (And would they still be faking data to produce the LRO photographs of the Apollo landing sites?).


                    nigel jones 5

                      "Those who believe the moon landings were faked simply lack the intellectual capacity to understand the science that made it possible"

                      What a thoroughly arrogant statement. I understand a great deal of the science which makes it extremely unlikely to have occurred.

                      Russell Eberhardt
                        Posted by Chris Trice on 27/05/2017 23:05:06:

                        or holistic medicine diluted to one part per million

                        Nah, of course that doesn't work. It has to be diluted one part in ten ten times over, that is one part in 10,000,000,000. It's the memory the water has of the ingredient that makes it work. devil


                        Roderick Jenkins
                          Posted by fizzy on 28/05/2017 11:04:46:

                          I understand a great deal of the science which makes it extremely unlikely to have occurred.

                          No arrogance in that statement then wink. Perhaps you could give us an example?

                          I'm reminded of Pope's dictum: "A little learning is a dangerous thing". Perhaps this link is also relevant.

                          One thing a career in science taught me was how little I know and to accept that there are experts in fields outside my narrow little area of understanding.


                            Posted by Roderick Jenkins on 28/05/2017 11:40:28:

                            Posted by fizzy on 28/05/2017 11:04:46:

                            I understand a great deal of the science which makes it extremely unlikely to have occurred.

                            No arrogance in that statement then wink. Perhaps you could give us an example?

                            I'm reminded of Pope's dictum: "A little learning is a dangerous thing". Perhaps this link is also relevant.

                            One thing a career in science taught me was how little I know and to accept that there are experts in fields outside my narrow little area of understanding.


                            There can't be many politicians that don't show signs of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

                            On the other hand, it could be argued that plenty of the voting population has Stockholm Syndrome. smiley

                              Posted by Neil Wyatt on 28/05/2017 09:43:30:

                              Posted by blowlamp on 27/05/2017 23:35:53:

                              How did they cope with temperature extremes of plus or minus 150-200 degrees C on the surface of the moon?

                              Probably helped them that they use Fahrenheit not Celsius…

                              You must have got your info from a different website to me. hotstar

                              Chris Trice
                                Posted by Mick Charity on 28/05/2017 07:03:55:

                                Posted by Chris Trice on 27/05/2017 23:05:06:

                                Those who believe the moon landings were faked simply lack the intellectual capacity to understand the science that made it possible. THEY can't get THEIR head round it therefore it can't be true, the height of arrogance and a belief they know everything and need no further education. As for the truly stupid suggestion that "some of it" was faked, really?

                                Do you believe in a God?

                                What's your opinion on those who do against those who don't?

                                Chris Trice
                                  Posted by Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:49:37:

                                  It's curious how people with dogmatic, fixed ideas based on their own "intelligence" always accuse anyone with a different take on the data as being "arrogant"……

                                  Edited By Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:50:27

                                  There are no alternative facts in science. A fact remains a fact whether people choose to believe it or not.

                                  Chris Trice
                                    Posted by Clive Hartland on 28/05/2017 09:45:49:

                                    I see the question, 'Do you believe in a God; ? Now that raises the question about deniers does it not. The world is flat. 'No' it is not.

                                    Darwin was ridiculed about his ideas about the way the Flora and fauna adapted to various things to survive and then the age of the planet is more than most people can envisage.

                                    What is the main cause of life on this planet, Solar power is all and the adaptability of any life form to utilize it!

                                    So, where does a God come into it? Mostly in peoples minds so they are gullible and others take profit from it.

                                    I am a very practical person and see through 99% of the garbage that utters from peoples mouths, unfortunately some utter garbage more than others so they get confused.

                                    I can only think a deniers mind is so narrow and shallow that they cannot think for themselves. Not every thing is subversive nor is it true so that it is up to an individual to make a true assessment about every thing presented.


                                    Clive is completely right. There are certain questions we might never know the answer too like "Why do we exist?" (which suggests there IS a reason when there might not be). If we don't know an answer, we invent one we like. Just because we don't know how a trick is done (yet: for example how life began) doesn't make it magic.

                                    Chris Trice
                                      Posted by fizzy on 28/05/2017 11:04:46:

                                      "Those who believe the moon landings were faked simply lack the intellectual capacity to understand the science that made it possible"

                                      What a thoroughly arrogant statement. I understand a great deal of the science which makes it extremely unlikely to have occurred.

                                      Yet you're wrong because they did so you don't. There is no room for debate about this unless you want to claim the Bumble Bee can't fly also. Did you ever consider that you're stupidity holds the human race back? I'm sorry if I come across as offensive but it's like trying to hold a rational argument with an irrational person. It can't be done. Which parts do you struggle with and I'll attempt to answer them for you?

                                      Michael Gilligan

                                        A brief "definition" that works for me:

                                        "God" is a convenient tag to which people attribute anything which is beyond their comprehension.

                                        I find this conveniently disposes of the concept of "belief in" God, and probably explains why some find comfort in worshiping.


                                          Posted by Chris Trice on 28/05/2017 12:31:25:

                                          Posted by Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:49:37:

                                          It's curious how people with dogmatic, fixed ideas based on their own "intelligence" always accuse anyone with a different take on the data as being "arrogant"……

                                          Edited By Bob Stevenson on 28/05/2017 07:50:27

                                          There are no alternative facts in science. A fact remains a fact whether people choose to believe it or not.

                                          A fact is the subject of a majority opinion, confirmed through practice and time, the expression "alternative fact" really annoys me, because it's just a fad word for falsehood.

                                          Michael W

                                          Edited By Michael-w on 28/05/2017 12:59:24


                                            Close it Neil…. disgust I'm none the wiser !thinking

                                            Nicholas Farr

                                              Hi, well I believe there is more evidence that the moon landings occurred then there is of it being faked. As far as being a waste of money, you could say that about any exploration, however many benefits have come about to the majority of peoples lives through all types of exploring and the research and development of them. As far as the existence of God is concerned, if God does not exist then no one will ever know, but if God does exist, what happens next? devil

                                              Regards Nick.

                                              Frances IoM

                                                my own take is that there are no ‘facts’ in science but only testable hypotheses (testable in sense that they can be refuted by experiment) – ‘facts’ in this philosophy are merely shorthand notation for the currently accepted theory. Any statement that is inherently untestable has no part to play in science – maybe leave that to the various clerics of whom the world seems full.

                                                Another JohnS
                                                  Posted by Roderick Jenkins on 28/05/2017 11:40:28:

                                                  One thing a career in science taught me was how little I know and to accept that there are experts in fields outside my narrow little area of understanding.

                                                  Rod – once again, I agree 100% with what you say.

                                                  Recently, at one of the clubs I belong to, we had an issue, and many spouted "facts", whilst ignoring published guidelines (even ones published by the landlord). Nobody was anywhere near an expert in the field-of-issue, but that did not stop some people from pontificating!

                                                  I found it quite depressing, to tell you the truth. For my own sake it has re-affirmed that for my own health and happiness I have to back away from being anywhere near club decision-making processes. Sigh.

                                                  Keep up the good work, with your writing and designing and making – it is appreciated.

                                                  Regards, John A. Stewart.

                                                  duncan webster 1

                                                    Rod and Chris have about summed it up. I don't understand how computers work, but this one seems to be managing without any divine assistance, and it certainly isn't being faked by the CIA. Landing a spacecraft on a comet seems a much more difficult job that a trip of a few day's to the moon and back.


                                                    After all, a B52 bomber made the trip to the moon one way


                                                    even tho' they do call it a fighter part way down the page


                                                    Edited By duncan webster on 28/05/2017 14:47:55

                                                    Carl Wilson 4

                                                      No we didn’t. The Germans did though, paid for by the Americans.

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