Both holder and blade have been bodged to make incorrect components go together.
The clamping wedge should be essentially symmetrical in shape and of a size such that when fully tightened with no blade inserted so the back of wedge and slot are in contact the lower wedge angle should almost contact the bottom corner of the slot. Clerance is thou's. Just enough to be sure there is no contact there when attempting to clamp the blade. The screw holes are a little above centre line. As I found out when making a stepped wedge to let my T2 size take next size down blades to use up my stash.
Blade should be narrower at bottom than top. Bottom edge should sit neatly in the toolpost groove, top edge angle should match the wedge angle. Top is fairly rough ground. presumably to ensure that folks aren't tempted to use the blade as is instead of grinding top flat on the projecting portion. For proper clearance in the cut slot when parting off the top must be ground back at leas as far as the maximum extension you plan use. I've never seen any need to angle the top or apply backrake. Continous coolant / lubrication whether by flood or mist seems best answer to parting problems.
With the correct size blade fitted the back of the clamping wedge should be very close to the back of the slot.
Mine have a second tapped hole in the base for the height setting collar stud to permit inverted use in a back tool post or with a reverse running (as per Britan) lathe.
Edited By Clive Foster on 10/06/2014 17:29:09