On the subject of upside down parting tools, there aren't many lathes that are designed to withstand a lifting of the slides (including the saddle) by the cutting force, so I concluded that for my Bantam at least, any rear-mounted parting tool should be operated with the lathe in reverse and the tool not inverted.
If you look at the assembly drawing / exploded parts list for your machine, you will see what arrangement is used to restrain the saddle against this vertical (upwards) movement. It's usually fairly minimal and primarily intended for locking the saddle at a single point. Unless you have this saddle lock adjuster tightly nipped up (which isn't ideal in terms of wear), there has to be vertical slop in there and the horizontal location by the bed Vee's will also suffer from any such vertical movement .
On the cross slide, there is a firm and direct contact between the horizontal underside faces of the slide and its base in the "normal" direction. With cutting forces in the reverse (upward) direction, the slide is instead held by the angled gibs with some slop ie much less well defined and rigid.
I can only assume that in some cases, the additional slop and springiness resulting from running the tool upside down actually helps to reduce the likelihood of judder, most likely combined with light cuts. However, if you were asked to demonstrate exactly how the tool position is positively defined / constrained, I suspect you'd struggle. Generally speaking, rigidity and control seem to be the safest way to prevent "rubber pants" moments during heavy parting operations.