Deleting Site Account


Deleting Site Account

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Deleting Site Account

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  • #686447

      Reluctantly decided I can’t live with the new forum set up, not that I posted much but did enjoy reading what others were doing. Can’t see much improvement coming in the future and the big brother cookie policy. I thought you had to agree to other than essential cookies not have them thrust on you and the only way out via Privacy Policy is to get a Google app so I’m out.

      This isn’t throwing teddies or attention seeking as I have already tried to delete my account. The “Delete Account” option on my profile says all my content will be deleted ……..but….. I’ve supposedly deleted my account yet here I still am. Another glitch in the system I presume, please remove me from the system and this post will also just disappear.  Thanks


      Michael Gilligan

        Fare-well, Bezzer

        It’s been good to have you around.



          It seems a shame when folk leave before waiting until everything has settled down, and the site (maybe) becomes more useable.
          Why not take a holiday from here for a while, and pop back in  a month or so?

          Deleting an account seems as though it may be big step, as if you change your mind, I doubt it could be fully resurrected.


          Benedict White

            Absolutely Peak4. All you need to do for that approach is not post. Then you can come back 3 months or a year later or not as the case may be.


              Still here 🙁 tried to delete account again, ticked the “I understand the consequences” box, send and it just goes to a completely blank page and stays there.

              Mark Easingwood

                Ah, perhaps it’s like The Hotel California,

                “Relax, ” said the night man
                “We are programmed to receive
                You can check out any time you like
                But you can never leave!”

                The Eagles.

                  On Mark Easingwood Said:

                  Ah, perhaps it’s like The Hotel California,

                  “Relax, ” said the night man
                  “We are programmed to receive
                  You can check out any time you like
                  But you can never leave!”

                  The Eagles.

                  You’ve stolen what I intended to start this post with  🙂

                  Still here.

                    On Bezzer Said:

                    Still here 🙁 tried to delete account again, ticked the “I understand the consequences” box, send and it just goes to a completely blank page and stays there.

                    Hi Bezzer,

                    I’ve logged the bug.

                    But please reconsider!   The forum is irritating at the moment as a consequence of unplanned malfunctions, not because it’s deliberately designed to annoy.

                    A difficult history has landed Mortons with a big list of problems, and they are having to prioritise.   They are currently concentrating on poor performance, which I think may be responsible for several intermittent bugs, and getting “Latest Replies” to work properly.  Then on to the other issues.  It may take a while to straighten this out.

                    If the forum experience is too upsetting at the moment, I recommend taking a break rather than pressing the self-destruct button!  The  delete option is normally only used by members who’ve got into a spat, taken offence, and want to make a grand exit!  When interest wanes, or the problem is temporary, easier just to let the account lie fallow.





                      Thanks Dave but I do want out fully. It’s not a flounce as I should have just disappeared without a whimper or trace if the delete option actually worked.

                        On SillyOldDuffer Said:
                        On Bezzer Said:

                        Still here 🙁 tried to delete account again, ticked the “I understand the consequences” box, send and it just goes to a completely blank page and stays there.

                        Hi Bezzer,

                        I’ve logged the bug.

                        But please reconsider!   The forum is irritating at the moment as a consequence of unplanned malfunctions, not because it’s deliberately designed to annoy.





                        Dave, nothing against Bezzer with this comment, but to use this as an example; I hope Mick doesn’t mind.
                        When Bezzer is able to delete his account, will all his 250+ posts be removed as well, or will they just become “Anonymous” or “Former Member”
                        If everything goes, threads, topics, posts etc get broken for all, current and future, users researching back on stuff, including him of course; on the other hand if they remain against his wishes, does that raise copyright issues for written content, photos etc
                        Were there different copyright agreements on the old forum to this one, if so which apply?

                        I’ve commented elsewhere, as an issue, that this forum strips exif from uploaded photos, and thus removes any embedded copyright information. (as ever, there is no feedback as to whether anyone has logged the potential problem)


                          On peak4 Said:
                          On SillyOldDuffer Said:
                          On Bezzer Said:

                          Still here 🙁 tried to delete account again, ticked the “I understand the consequences” box, send and it just goes to a completely blank page and stays there.

                          Hi Bezzer,

                          I’ve logged the bug.

                          But please reconsider!   The forum is irritating at the moment as a consequence of unplanned malfunctions, not because it’s deliberately designed to annoy.





                          When Bezzer is able to delete his account, will all his 250+ posts be removed as well, or will they just become “Anonymous” or “Former Member”
                          If everything goes, threads, topics, posts etc get broken for all, current and future, users researching back on stuff, including him of course; on the other hand if they remain against his wishes, does that raise copyright issues for written content, photos etc
                          Were there different copyright agreements on the old forum to this one, if so which apply?

                          I’ve commented elsewhere, as an issue, that this forum strips exif from uploaded photos, and thus removes any embedded copyright information. (as ever, there is no feedback as to whether anyone has logged the potential problem)


                          Yes choosing to delete an account is brutal:

                          Deleting your account will delete all of the content you have created. It will be completely irrecoverable.

                          The old forum didn’t allow users to delete themselves – it was on request.  To avoid mangling the flow of threads by simply removing posts, it was usual to agree a ‘Former Member’ solution where the account was closed, and the posts anonymised, not deleted.   Not sure who did the work – my moderator powers didn’t go that far.   The new forum takes the hit when a member decides to delete.  I tested this yonks ago on a tiny account, but much has changed since then.

                          Copyright and IPR is a horribly complex subject.

                          Personally, I think anything I put on a web platform designed to share information is in the public domain.  Whether a lawyer would agree is another matter!  My understanding is it is not necessary to mark a work to copyright it : works are copyright by default.

                          The Terms and Conditions are worth a read.  I don’t think they put any obligation on Mortons to protect members copyright.  Job for the lawyers I think if anyone disagrees.







                            I just deleted one of the test accounts that I was using without any problems and I’ve done it previously with out issue. I wonder if it is only not deleting accounts that have been carried over from the old forum?

                            Michael Gilligan
                              On SillyOldDuffer Said:
                              … The Terms and Conditions are worth a read.  I don’t think they put any obligation on Mortons to protect members copyright.  Job for the lawyers I think if anyone disagrees.


                              On the contrary … I would say that Clause 3.2 is a good try, by Mortons, to retain content, and grab copyright.



                                Yes, I’d read Clause 3.2 before raising my query, and come to a similar conclusion to Michael.
                                What I don’t know, is what a member originally signed up to when they first registered on the previous forum, particularly as the magazine owner may have also changed during the life of that forum.
                                It is indeed complicated, and I would hope that a professional publishing outfit, such as Mortons, would have a handle on the legalities.
                                Personally I’m happy for anyone to use my contributions, so long as they are not for their financial gain.
                                According to Pixsy, I have photos from my Flickr account all over the internet; occasionally, a publisher has asked first. 🙂
                                It’s one of the reasons I embed copyright info into the exif of my photos.
                                Facebook strips out exif, but I often dual process my output, adding a signature/watermark for that platform.


                                Peter Greene
                                  On peak4 Said:

                                  What I don’t know, is what a member originally signed up to when they first registered on the previous forum, particularly as the magazine owner may have also changed during the life of that forum.

                                  I do remember, way back (in DC’s time as editor) the then owners announced they had all rights to forum contents and could publish them on Facebook et al with impunity.

                                  It was at that time that I changed from my real name to an alias despite the then-prevailing opinion that that was somehow “wrong” and unfriendly.

                                  DC is still around here and may be able to shed more light.


                                    Myhobbystore did basically say that anything put onto the forum they then had the right to use as they saw fit. So could use it in the magazine, on the website, etc.


                                      Things will get there in the end

                                      We all know what works for us and what we’re used to dealing with, so we all know exactly where we’re going

                                      It’s taken longer than expected…. just like a model engineering project lol

                                      But she’ll be fabby when she’s finished and the fettling is done

                                      KEITH BEAUMONT

                                        I have been looking at the site daily,just to see the comments and to hope for progress.

                                        I am now convinced that a lot of the problems people are /have experienced is due to the machine and system they are using. I have a reasonably powerful PC with Win 10 and Firefox. All settings are as default and I have not installed any “clever”software.  Reading a lot of the complaints about loading problems I have been confused at times, because I have not seen the same things. As a for instance, comments were made about flashing adverts. I had none of that. The banner add did move to the left after a time, but that was always so. At the moment  I access the site from a Bookmark,clicking the green Forum takes me to Latest posts ,without loging in. If I read a post to the last posting and continue to scroll, it runs into the Latest posts again, which all seems pretty easy. I have no problems with the clear black type on a white background either.

                                        I have yet to try to make a posting including photos,which was always my stumbling block on the old site, but I will  try it later.


                                          On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

                                          I have been looking at the site daily, just to see the comments and to hope for progress.



                                          Keith I’ll try to reply to you on the Constructive Comments topic.
                                          Forums has been down again for about 40 minutes.

                                          vic newey
                                            On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

                                            I have been looking at the site daily,just to see the comments and to hope for progress.

                                            I am now convinced that a lot of the problems people are /have experienced is due to the machine and system they are using. I have a reasonably powerful PC with Win 10 and Firefox. All settings are as default and I have not installed any “clever”software.  Reading a lot of the complaints about loading problems I have been confused at times, because I have not seen the same things. As a for instance, comments were made about flashing adverts. I had none of that. The banner add did move to the left after a time, but that was always so. At the moment  I access the site from a Bookmark,clicking the green Forum takes me to Latest posts ,without loging in. If I read a post to the last posting and continue to scroll, it runs into the Latest posts again, which all seems pretty easy. I have no problems with the clear black type on a white background either.

                                            I have yet to try to make a posting including photos,which was always my stumbling block on the old site, but I will  try it later.


                                            It’s just not possible that thousands of us have faulty machines causing slow loading of websites, maybe your not used to how fast forums should normally load!, I have a new extremely high spec machine and very fast  b/band and forums I use load instantly and change pages instantly, Here I wait for ages for the first page to load and then 10 seconds or more to change page.

                                            Michael Gilligan
                                              On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

                                              As a for instance, comments were made about flashing adverts. I had none of that. …

                                              I am bewildered, Keith

                                              The yellow advert for ‘’ is amongst the most intrusive I have ever seen.



                                                I suppose it depends if you call that a flashing or changing advert, I would term them all changing with the “all my reads” being the one with the most rapid rate of change.

                                                It also depends what you are viewing the forum on. If Keith is using a phone then you really don’t see the “All My Reads” one unless you scroll right to the bottom as they are not displayed at the side like they are on larger screened devices. As Keith says it may be due to the device being used

                                                Nicholas Farr

                                                  Hi, I do consider that the all my reads ad is flashing, basically because of the speed it changes, and going with the background colours alternating between yellow, black and white, plus the fact that it changes in a flash from one corner to the other. It might not be so bad if it changed from one corner to the next, if it when across slowly like a curtain been drawn steadily, but I think the distinct difference between the black and yellow would still make it annoying, and it certainly does annoy me, although I don’t know how it affects those who suffer problems with flashing lights.

                                                  Here’s my solution.


                                                  Regards Nick.

                                                  Michael Gilligan
                                                    On JasonB Said:

                                                    I suppose it depends if you call that a flashing or changing advert, I would term them all changing with the “all my reads” being the one with the most rapid rate of change.

                                                    It also depends what you are viewing the forum on. If Keith is using a phone then you really don’t see the “All My Reads” one unless you scroll right to the bottom as they are not displayed at the side like they are on larger screened devices. As Keith says it may be due to the device being used

                                                    Well, Jason …

                                                    1. The ‘’ advert certainly looks like a pathetic Flasher to me … as depicted in the famous Monty Python sketch
                                                    2. Keith did state that he was using a Windows 10 computer

                                                    So please permit me to remain bewildered


                                                      On vic newey Said:
                                                      On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

                                                      I have been looking at the site daily,just to see the comments and to hope for progress.

                                                      I am now convinced that a lot of the problems people are /have experienced is due to the machine and system they are using. I have a reasonably powerful PC with Win 10 and Firefox. All settings are as default and I have not installed any “clever”software.  Reading a lot of the complaints about loading problems I have been confused at times, because I have not seen the same things. As a for instance, comments were made about flashing adverts. I had none of that. The banner add did move to the left after a time, but that was always so. At the moment  I access the site from a Bookmark,clicking the green Forum takes me to Latest posts ,without loging in. If I read a post to the last posting and continue to scroll, it runs into the Latest posts again, which all seems pretty easy. I have no problems with the clear black type on a white background either.

                                                      I have yet to try to make a posting including photos,which was always my stumbling block on the old site, but I will  try it later.


                                                      It’s just not possible that thousands of us have faulty machines causing slow loading of websites, maybe your not used to how fast forums should normally load!, I have a new extremely high spec machine and very fast  b/band and forums I use load instantly and change pages instantly, Here I wait for ages for the first page to load and then 10 seconds or more to change page.

                                                      Nah, though having a slow machine and network connection won’t help, most of the delays are at the server.   (I have the wherewithal to measure how long each bit of the screen takes.)  The problem is, which last week was taking a couple of seconds, and is much slower at 11.00 this morning.

                                                      I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about the forum at the moment because it’s being worked on.   The developers are having to experiment to find errors and try fixes.   Debugging and repairing a live system is tricky, so expect three steps forward and two back!   Exactly how the forum behaves is subject to change: layout, adverts, features, and performance are all being tweaked.

                                                      Family issues are keeping me away at the moment, so it’s interesting to see what’s changed over a few days.  Latest Replies is much better, but performance is worse than before, quite likely because the developers are experimenting.

                                                      Hope no-one thinks this stuff is easy.  Software Engineering is the third most difficult branch of engineering and Mechanical Engineering, which I think is hard, isn’t even in the top ten…





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