Now then,
I very much agree with DC1, Ady1 and Peter. Not in the least because ARC is one of the advertisers on here
Custom websites are very difficult to specify, costly to build and maintain. I am talking from experience, as the specifier and payer for ARCs website. Trust me when I tell you that it can be a real PITA. At the end of the day, there are still many things one can do better, that one is not happy with.
However, talking to website technical bods to fix things to ones liking (even ones which I consider to be basic) is like talking to Aliens. As a specifier, you have to take headache pills, and be extremely patient with these techis, because they really do think differently and they talk a totally foreign language, even though all my techis are U.K. based. I dread to think what would happen if I had contracted this work abroad!
I have total sympathy for DC1 for having to take the bullets for something that he really cannot control.
If I as a specifier and payer of my own site have communication problems with the tech guys, what chance does DC1 or DC2 have of getting anything done?
I am sure that the head man at MHS who is a commercial man is facing the same music from all site moderators under his umbrella. He probably has spoken with the tech company and given them grief like I do with my web shop designers/providers. Like me, after spending so much money on a custom build, we cannot walk away from our providers. We have to work with what we have, whether we like it or not. The head man at MHS is not stupid. He is answerable to his investors and shareholders too!
I have yet to encounter the problems of adverts coming across forum postings. We have a good number of computers at work and home working on various operating systems, all of which are up to date. So, those of you who are experiencing these problems should perhaps check out your system. ….O wait a minute….that would mean that you would have to speak with a techi to try and solve your problem….so then it will cost you money to fix your system….and then you will have to try and figure out if the techi can really fix the problem with your computer……ummm….so how does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot then? 
Similarly, in MHS's case, their techis are probably saying to him that all is well and that there is no case to answer, becasue probably, it all works well in the systems they have. I know that we have XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Apple – whatever Leopard, Lion, and we use IE, firefox and Safari, all of which work fine for us. Similarly they must be working well for the techis, so they are probably telling the MHS's headman that they can't replicate the problems. So what do you expect the headman to do next?….sack the current providers?……flush down the moneys already invested? and explain to the investors that he needs more money to re-start all over again?……It really isn't an easy decision to make.
Ketan at ARC.