Delay to Issue 299


Delay to Issue 299

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    Steve Skelton 1

      HURRAY – Postie, just dropped No. 299 through the letterbox here in Somerset.


        Posted by Steve Skelton 1 on 09/12/2020 12:25:13:

        HURRAY – Postie, just dropped No. 299 through the letterbox here in Somerset.


        Likewise, an hour ago in deepest South Gloucester.

        I suspect my was delayed at the Bristol sorting office.


        Michael Gilligan

          It’s here star



            At last – a ray of sunshine in todays dank and dismal Somerset – No.299 arrived today!


            Peter G. Shaw

              Well, well, well!

              After requesting a replacement, the original has at last arrived – along with another 8 or so items. (Has Postie been saving them up?) So is it now 14 days late? Oh well, who can we blame this time.

              Anyway, I now ought to cancel the requested replacement – if I can.

              Peter G. Shaw

              Neil Wyatt

                Just a note on the customer services and replacement issues.

                I am not sure exactly how it works, but I think that the distribution waits until the newstrade demand is met before the 'overs' the back issue company.

                This means that if people rush into a request for 'missing issues' they will very often be told it is out of stock by customer service. Issue 299 is still not showing as 'in stick' as a back issue and probably will not for a week or two.

                I will update the next issue preview soon, I've been holding off because of the delays.

                Delivery has been slow on Issue 299, I have had a few people get in touch about it being missing, all of whom eventually had it turn up. The post office is already getting overloaded by the combination of Covid and Christmas, it seems, so patience is appreciated.


                Ex contributor

                  The post office is already getting overloaded by the combination of Covid and Christmas, it seems

                  I asked the Post Office delivery driver about their situation this morning. He said he was working 14-15 hour days & still had a backlog of items to deliver. Combination of the busy time of year and staff shortages due to the current situation. He said in excess of a week for delivery was not unusual at the moment – something confirmed in an overheard conversation in the local Post Office earlier this week when the Postmaster commented that a late sent birthday card "could be blamed on the Post Office – we are not doing very well at the moment".

                  Nigel B.


                    A relatives job is in Covid chaos. Last week a member of staff fell ill, did the test and got a positive result on Tuesday afternoon. Yesterday the office closed for a deep clean and during the day 4 other members of the team reported they too are ill and being tested. So the whole team lost a days work and now about half of them are ineffective pro-tem. One of the people involved cares for a high-risk child. Some customers expect this to have no effect on them!

                    Sooner we get a vaccine the better!

                    Stay safe.


                    Nick Clarke 3
                      Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 10/12/2020 14:00:46:

                      Sooner we get a vaccine the better!

                      Stay safe.


                      Unfortunately while I and a colleague will be offered the vaccine at some point in the future the vast majority at work will not – so masks, aprons and gloves will be necessary until the chance of infection is low and even if vaccinated a person can physically pass the vaccine from one person to others without knowing.

                      Nick Clarke 3
                        Posted by Nick Clarke 3 on 10/12/2020 18:34:06:

                        Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 10/12/2020 14:00:46:

                        Sooner we get a vaccine the better!

                        Stay safe.



                        Unfortunately while I and a colleague will be offered the vaccine at some point in the future the vast majority at work will not – so masks, aprons and gloves will be necessary until the chance of infection is low and even if vaccinated a person can physically pass the vaccine from one person to others without knowing.

                        I meant to say pass the INFECTION on. Sorry, its been a difficult day!

                        Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 10/12/2020 20:01:50


                          I can't help feeling that the underlying resentment for many is less the delay in getting issues but more the fear of missing an issue for their (till now) complete collection.

                          People, understandably, get fairly obsessive about this (and MTM shouldn't complain as it leads to regular renewals). Adding an issue at the end of their subscription doesn't really cut it.

                          And missing an episode in a multi-part article – particularly those long ones in ME – could be devastating I should think.

                          Perhaps shutting publication down for a few months as was mentioned earlier (in this or the other thread) for another magazine in the MTM stable is not the worst thing that could happen after all.

                          Peter G. Shaw

                            Peter Greene,

                            Thanks for putting my viewpoint (paras 1 & 2) so succintly.

                            Peter G. Shaw

                            Graham Waterworth 1

                              I have not received my Issue 299, how long do I wait before saying its lost?

                              paul rayner

                                I still have not received my 299 of MEW issue either,

                                I have only just received my copy 4653 of ME today!

                                I'm only in yorkshire not in the back of beyond.

                                should I get intouch?


                                  If its any interest to those saying it's MTMs fault I got the 1/2021 issue of the German equivalent to ME Maschinen im Modellbau last Friday and only yesterday the previous 6/2020 issue arrived only 2 months late, can't blame MTM for that but the postal system may have things to answer for. Still waiting for the CD that was sent at the same time as 6/2020 issue to arrive.

                                  Rod Renshaw

                                    My newsagent tells me that, by his count, some 75 UK magazine titles have ceased publication altogether this year including some very long established angling titles. I think there are probably a lot more anglers than model engineers so I am grateful that we still have our magazines – even if there are some delays in delivery.


                                    paul rayner

                                      Hi all

                                      ME 4654 just dropped through the letter box, but still no sign of MEW 299.

                                      are they supplied by the same shipping/printing company? seems a bit odd.



                                      Howard Lewis

                                        Most likely, in U K , that Royal Mail are the problem, either because of staff being off with various illnesses, or combined wit the seasonal overload.

                                        Under those conditions it would be easy to deal with the top of the pile (most recent arrivals ) while the earlier ones remain buried at the bottom of the p, until the top eventually sinks to their level.


                                        paul rayner

                                          Hurray, It's just dropped through letter box.


                                            Happy to report that issue 299 arrived yesterday, 18th, here in S.W.France.

                                            Howard Lewis

                                              Today's newspaper showed pictures of HORRENDOUS backlog of parcels (Huge pile ) in R M sorting office. Some are even stored outside, so hope that it keeps fine, or there will claims for damaged parcels!




                                                Stiil awaiting Issue 299 MEW here in New Zealand. Is It Royal Mail or is it NZ Post? At one stage it would appear that issues were sent in bulk to NZ then mailed from here. Are other Kiwis receiving their issues?

                                                A hacked off Nimble Neil.

                                                Pat Wright 1

                                                  Hi Nimble

                                                  I am in Hamilton and the last MEW I received was 298 and like you am still awaiting the next 3 issues.

                                                  I do have a paper and digital subscription which helps but I prefer the paper version.

                                                  The Auckland Covid 1 week lockdown and no MEW is a bit rough. face 24

                                                  Regards, Pat

                                                  John Purdy

                                                    Here on the west coast of Canada finally received 299 last Friday, still waiting on 300 and 301. Last ME received was 4655 (1 Jan) a week ago. I subscribe to 6 periodicals, 3 from the UK, 2 from US and one from Canada. Over the past year I have received them all in a timely manner EXCEPT those from My Time Media, strange.


                                                    Edited By John Purdy on 01/03/2021 17:32:23


                                                      Don't despair New Zealanders, they will arrive.
                                                      I am also on the West Coast of Canada and received 299 last week Thursday, followed up by #300 the following day. The last ME I received was also 4655 which arrived on Jan 15th,

                                                      What is amazing, however, is that I also received a letter from the UK on Friday, only four days after posting, it is many years since I have experienced this kind of postal service.


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