OMG. Is there no end to Pocketmags problems and aggravations?
299 has turned up, at last. Happily flipped through its pages, only to be told, after the last page, that they hoped I enjoyed reading "This sample edition" and would I like to pay $7.99 for it, or to take out a subscription. ( which I already have, needless to say)
Where did MTM find these cretins? Was a competition held internationally to select the very worst possible magazine repository that would, kicking and screaming all the way, display the magazine with the barest minimum of functionality. Heaven forfend, for example that it should allow printing of even the current page, or cutting and pasting it into an email . The list of what it wont do is long and infuriating, given that the cost even after buying a print subscription, trivial.
Dare I repeat the long-discovered wisdom that using industry standard formats such as PDF, far from encouraging piracy, makes it not worth the bother? Or that having to sledgehammer the content into the format these rascals insist on makes far worse the problems when "technical glitches" like the delay 299 encountered?
MTM management seem to think that making the reading customers the lowest priority in delivery and convenience decisions will enhance their business position. I think if they read the outrage between the lines in these last few weeks of posts properly, they will see the opposite is the case. Magazines that respect paid subscribers survive – penny pinching policies that find piracy lurking behind every service they provide, in the long run, dont deserve to and frequently dont, no matter how captive their reading public is.
I would love to see readers here post their thoughts on MTM being encouraged to switch their digital format to an industry standard, and allowing it become available offline; that is, stored on your own device – promised but not delivered by Packetmogs
Michael ….. way down under