Hi IanH,
If I can recall all this correctly…but please bear in mind that I am trying to remember detail from decades ago, when I was still in the Toolroom. Grit Sizes on the smaller stones/hones were available from 60 to 500grit and the Delapena Codes for these smaller stones was split/defined as follows:
Delapena code 0 = 60 grit, 1 = 80 grit, 2 = 120 grit, 3 = 180 grit, 4 =220 grit, 6 = 320 grit & 8 = 500 grit
You are correct in that F = Silicon Carbide…
The other common abrasives, readily available were: R = Aluminium Oxide (Soft Steels up to HRC 50), C = Bauxilite, which was cool cutting and for Hardened Steels over HRC 50)…I also seem to recall that they used to supply another couple of variants of "speciality stones", for special finishes…but I can't recall what they were…
Thinking back…I think? the other letter in the Code relates to the Bond Hardness. Hard Materials needed a Soft Grade…and Vice-Versa…
Sorry that I can't give you more information…but I am sure that someone out there must have some old "bumf" lying around…Hopefully they will step in…and clarify any holes…
Best Regards,