definition of motorcycle


definition of motorcycle

Home Forums The Tea Room definition of motorcycle

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    duncan webster 1

      According to the interweb the Californian legal definition of a motorcycle is a 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle with an engine and a seat for the driver. This includes steam rollers. I’m sure there must be a flaw in this!


      Speedy Builder5

        Dell boy, sing your heart out.


          I define them as something that can topple over if you brake too hard.

          Mark Rand

            Sounds ok to me 😀

            The Wallis & Steevens Simplicity does have a bit of a ‘low rider’  theme.

            Lot of effort to lean into a corner though.



              Well I suppose something like an Iroquois Tandem roller is just two (wide) wheels and an engine so could be a bike.


                On JasonB Said:

                Well I suppose something like an Iroquois Tandem roller is just two (wide) wheels and an engine so could be a bike.

                Looking at the shape of the seat on that, it appears that the ‘front’ is to the right of the photo. That would make it rear steering, like a forklift.

                I wonder if the definition above caters for this possibility.

                Beyond this, does the definition say anything about where the two wheels should be – two at the front (Morgan) or two at the back (Reliant)?


                  Hello Duncan,

                  At the risk of spoiling an amusing whimsy, the ‘flaw’ in the definition used on the page that you linked to is that it is the legal definition of the word ‘motorcycle’ used in California State Law, specifically the ‘Vehicle Codes’.  See here for the base document that I suspect the supposed ‘definition of a motorcycle in California’ was lifted from.  If you can be bothered to browse all the word definitions you will discover that the word ‘road-roller’  is defined elsewhere, thus clearing-up Jasonb’s confusion (section 565b Jason)!

                  The actual construction regulations covering road vehicles in the US are the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (equivalent to the UK Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations1986) which, as the title suggests, define, along with other road vehicles, a motorcycle (that is to say: the ‘machine itself’) by the construction controls (max number of passengers, maximum width & length, etc., etc. ad nauseam).

                  Sorry to spoil the fun, but hopefully only for a moment or two, as I suggest that it is best to put the ‘reality’ to back of mind and carry-on with the whimsy of ‘unlikely motorcycles’.


                  Gerard O’Toole

                    I wonder would the Shilovski gyrocar fall within the definition of a motorcycle. it should , but it also had two outrigger wheels, like a child’s bicycle. These were retractable


                    For what it is worth, the EU legally classify motorcycles as L-Class vehicles which includes some three wheelers but also quads, which of course have four wheels.

                    duncan webster 1

                      I was being a little silly! The UK regs for a motor tricycle allow a weight up to 1te, but then spoil it by specifying internal combustion engine. Could still be a model of a diesel roller.

                      KEITH BEAUMONT

                        A firm I did a lot of work with,many moons ago,has invited me to the Farnborough Air Show. Unfortunately, the link from their e mail to allow me to print the ticket is not highlighted blue and will not open. Is there a clever way of correcting this easily?



                          Motorcycle: Device for converting fossil fuel into noise, with the main byproduct being speed.

                          Nigel Graham 2

                            Which definition, I think, rather broad…. I don’t think the petrol-driven strimmer someone not far from my home so loves to use could be classed as a “motorcyle” but it certainly converts fuel to noise!

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