Robin, can you see what the part number is of the device fitted to the metal bracket/heatsink?
Andrew is correct – the many resistors are a snubber, the current sense resistors are the ones at the burnt pcb track.
This PSU is a quasi-resonant topology, and for the power rating indicated by Robin, unlikely that there is an external FET switch.
It does appear that the arcing on the PCB may just have been due to poor layout – the tracks a little close at that point, and maybe some dirt developed that precipitated the arc.
If you want to perhaps waste some money and time….
The diode next to the arc point might have blown – I believe that is a zener regulating the the supply line to the VCC input the the 8pin chip. The current sense pin and the drain pin on the device are very close, made worse by the pcb track layout, and those two pins have full rectified line voltage between them.
So, if the zener diode is blown ( would probably be a short) , replace, and replace the 8pin device – available maybe from Digikey , Mouser, maybe even RS components, CLEAN the pcb well and give it a try!
Below is a reference circuit for the supply – this one is a 20volt output, but I am pretty sure the the circuit is close enough.
Interested to know what that device on the heatsink is..
Good luck!