The oscillation is good.
The CPU looks like an STM32F103 – the reset pin is on pin 7, right next to the crystal connections ( 5 and 6) . Check that the pin is Hi when power is on, and try short it to ground momentarily ( before the bofs get upset with this since the reset driver might be an active device , a quick short to ground won’t kill anything…).
It the CPU does not wake up, then try to scope the pins on the attached E2Prom – U2 ( actually an AT24C01 or 2).
Pin 5 = SDA and 6 = SCL
Look at pin 6 = the CPU would very soon after reset try to read data from the E2Prom and generate clocks on pin 6 to do this – You may need to play with the scope trigger to see the clocks..they would probably be around 1us period clocks, and probably in a group minimum of 8 clocks.
The E2Prom stores your settings ( inch/metric, etc) and would be read to restores these settings.
Pin 8 of said chip should be 3.3v ( I think you did say you checked for correct voltages on the board?)
Since you have the scope, it is worth looking at other CPU pins to see if it attempts at all to access display drivers, etc – The STM32F103 data sheet, page 26, shows the 48pin device pinout. Look on the PCB to see which pins are connected and scope the pin after a reset..Sometimes best to set the scope in ‘normal trigger’ mode, ie, not auto trigger, set for 1V div, DC coupled, set the trigger line midway – 1 to 2v above ground, and fiddle..