If you have gone up by 50% you just need to increase the number of teeth by 50% if you don't mind keeping the smaller tooth size.
eg 32DP 14/28 has PCDs of 0.438 and 0.875 giving your original 1.313" cts
32DP 21/42 has PCD of 0.656 and 1.313 giving your nes cts as 1.969
1.313x 50% also equals 1.968 also equals 50mm
so give or take 0.001 for various rounding up & down thats what you need, easily available off the shelf from HPC etc.
Edit forget that I did't half the PCD, post what the originals are and I'll work it out again
Edited By JasonB on 24/02/2012 18:42:16