data plate recovery


data plate recovery

Home Forums Help and Assistance! (Offered or Wanted) data plate recovery

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      can anyone help with restoring the brass data plates from my Granville Senior lathe???,the screwcutting data plate is an etched brass plate,the depth of the etching is very shallow,rendering the data almost illegible,l am very hesitant about applying paint and then sanding as l could very well lose some or all of the data,l have wondered about using ink instead of paint,ink being a lot thinner than paint,l have been quoted a very eye watering price to produce a copy,but l cannot afford that,so,can anyone offer any advice???,l can, of course make up a card copy and laminate it,but would like to have the brass plate back on my machine,thanks,jack.

      bernard towers

        You could write one on your computer then print an etch resist sheet ,apply to brass sheet and apply acid.

        Michael Gilligan

          Before doing anything else … I would suggest you take a good photographic copy of the original [preferably on a flat-bed scanner]

          That way, if anything goes wrong, you will still have something from which to re-create it.



            What is etched – the letters and numbers or the material surrounding them?

            If the letters are proud, and the surroundings deeper, you could apply etch-resist to a firm flat surface and press the plate onto that surface. Then etch the surroundings a little deeper.

            Dave Halford

              How about a print roller to apply the ink / resist then a water based clear varnish / etch?


              Nicholas Farr

                Hi Jack, when I did my “Yankee” drill plate.


                I used edding 750 2-4mm paint marker’s.

                edding 750


                Regards Nick.

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