It would be appreciated if what was written was read correctly.
I am merely making a point that you cannot make assumptions without adequate proof.
Many people handled that motor, dropped it, kicked it around etc, and it may, just possibly, have left the supplier in good order.
The supplier, for his part and quite correctly has offered you the means of a replacement item, and I have covered the means as to which you will be reimbursed for any charges made by yourself.
You cannot expect the supplier to pay you to return an item until the correct amount is known and receipted (it stops fraudulent claims), and he may not have an account that covers return collections. To set one up just for you would not be viable.
Why you insist on boring me at least, and possibly others with a non-model engineering related subject I can't imagine, and quite frankly if you had returned the item as requested by the supplier, this thread could have ended halfway down page one.
And Nick, you are quite right, but until Carl sends the item back the supplier can't / won't do anything.
Additionally as you again quite rightly say, you do not have to prove damage in transit, but a refusal to receipt, leaving the item with the courier gives far more credence to the story, and of course it would have been returned to the supplier free of any charges to the consignee.
Interestingly enough, and I'm not sure if I got the correct RJW Engineering, but it clearly states in their terms and conditions: Returns are credited for the returned item(s) amount including VAT and do not include a refund of carriage unless RJW Engineering (Manchester) Ltd are at fault with the items shipped.