Curious how many radio listeners seem not to realise a radio is not just a pop-music box, though I admit that trying to concentrate on a ticklish machining operation with one ear on a science, drama, current-affairs, comedy or indeed music, etc. programme is not conducive to best results from either!
My radios in home and workshop shuttle between Radio Three and Four, very occasionally Two. On FM, as well. Selectively: "channel hopping" is for telly couch-spud blankness. Nothing on to interest me at a particular time? Switch it off.
I won a DAB radio in a charity raffle at work. Read its instructions, re-read them… had a brew… read them again. Packed it all away again. I do not need such a complicated, confusing bit of kit to replace two simple controls. Especially for DAB broadcasts out of sync in time, and reception a gamble.
When DAB was introduced the Government asserted it wanted to end all FM and AM broadcasting – I recall no sensible reason. Luckily it seems to have dropped that.