cylinder relief valves


cylinder relief valves

Home Forums General Questions cylinder relief valves

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  • #754530
    Garry Coles


      I’m at the stage where I want to make some fittings for the cylinder drain cocks, and was wondering

      if anybody have views on automatic cylinder drain cocks, as opposed to lever/steam operated.


      noel shelley

        I would prefer manual, simple to operate, little to go wrong. You do not indicate whether these are to be used and working or just for looks ? Noel.


          If they are on view on your traction engine then making them and the associated linkages will look the part


          Brian Baker 2

            Greetings Garry, your title “relief valves” seemed to indicate the automatic relief valves mostly fitted on the end covers of (mainly) piston valve locos.

            Britannia’s, most LMS types had them.  they were automatic spring loaded valves and I have seen many examples fitted to miniature locos.

            However you seem to mean cylinder drain cocks which can be automatic, rodding operated or steam in our gauges.

            I would fit them, I use steam operated ones, since they open anyway if the cylinder is hydraulic locked, and the steam pipes easier to fit, I find, rather than rodding.


            Brian B

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