Just to bring things up to date, In order to locate the cyinder(s), the axleboxes were clamped at the height specified on the drawing but in doing so the boxes hadn’t seated evenly causing the wheels to stiffen; slackened off, tried again and this improved things a little. The piston is fairly free to move in the slide bar assembly and I believe all components are correct lengths. The thing I have found awkward is how much stiffness is acceptable. Whilst I don’t expect any component to spin or slide freely under gravity or radial inertia when spun, neither do I expect anything to be locked solid. It’s knowing how much stiffness is okay! 80psi on a piston applies a lot of force, but I don’t want to take this too much for granted.
The cylinder is true to distance from the driving wheel c/c and the piston rod is correctly aligned with the driving wheel c/c, the steam clearance at each end of the stroke seems to be about 1/32″ and having drawn the layout to full size and sticking the drawing on the frame, I think it all seems the best I can do.
Any more suggestions are welcome!