Whilst researching a simple electric shunter build for a planed garden railway………for our grandsons…….. I found the site. Lots of good info and knowledge gained here already. Thank you .
I have a reasonable workshop, put together over the last 50 years, Harrison L6, Horizontal only ES1, a very nice, old as me, Herbert 10, mig and Oxford stick welder, O.A. now longer on account.
Bought ST turner casting 35 years ago and sold them 10 years ago unstarted, at a good profit. Used to take M.E. for 20 years, stored untouched years under the stairs.
Got interest in all this with the first grandson now just under five by visits to our local line The Great Central, they nearly got me, might still do, to work on there fleet of Windcutter wagons…………… also visited our local Club, at Ruddington, purely as a rider, with the family resently……….need to get involved there.
Recently, last 10 years, have spent time building a home brewery and kit, got quite good at it, if I may say, ……………got even better at drinking it………… lol
Anyway, look forward to joining in on the forum, as I used to say on the beer forum, it is a forum not a reading room. lol